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Deck Help? (Leafeon / Virizion / Tropius / Shaymin Lv X)


Aspiring Trainer
Pokemon: 18

  • 3 Eevee (FFI)
    2 Leafeon (PLF)
    1 Vaporeon (PLF)
    1 Espeon (PLF)
    2 Shaymin (Call for Family)
    1 Shaymin (Celebration Wind)
    1 Shaymin Lv X (PT 127)
    2 Virizion (NVI)
    2 Tropius (PLB)
    1 Shaymin EX
    1 Mewtwo EX
    1 Virizion EX
Trainers/Supporters/Stadiums: 27

  • 2 Professor's Letter
    2 Pokemon Communication
    2 Energy Retrieval
    2 Ultra Ball
    1 EXP Share
    1 Computer Search
    4 Professor Juniper
    2 Pokemon Fan Club
    4 Cheren
    2 Skyla
    1 Pokemon Center Lady
    1 Lysandre
    2 Colress
    1 Battle Reporter
Energy: 15

  • 3 Double Colorless Energy
    2 Rainbow Energy
    1 Water Energy
    1 Psychic Energy
    8 Grass Energy


I need help to make this better >.<
I think it's just a normal basic deck with lots of draw/search.
I use FuF Eevee because it evolves really easily, Leafeon is awesome when enemy got a lot of Energy, Vaporeon to counter Fire EXs, and Espeon can chip in some damage.
Virizion & Tropius are used for Draw (1st attack) & Damage Dealing (2nd attack).
Landmin is used to search for Eevee or other basic, Skymin is used to manage energies/heal. Shaymin Lv X (can I still use this???) for Revenge just in case. Shaymin EX is for endgame, while Virizion EX for setting up & its ability.
I think I'm using too much Supporter Cards, but I dunno what other cards I should be using...
Could you please specify the Shaymin Lvl X you have in mind? Thanks.

Pokemon Communication is overall better than Ultra Ball, especially since you use a lot of Pokemon in this deck. Get rid of Ultra Ball and add some more Communications. Cheren, while consistent, isn't a very efficient Supporter. Drop them in favor of things like Colress, or even Shauna.

Edit: On a side note, if you plan on playing in the current modified format (Boundaries Crossed-on), you can't use Pokemon Communication, Celebration Wind Shaymin, Shaymin Lvl X, or EXP Share, as all of those cards are rotated out of the standard format.
Oh wow... That's a lot of cards rotated out >.<
Sorry, I am using the Skymin Lv X PT(Because I don't understand the ruling of Landmin Lv PT. Does it add HP infinitely???) But I guess I gotta take it out later.
I think it's fine for now since I don't know where to play competitively around here...
Sucks for Pokemon Communication tho cause I like it, especially if I draw Eevee's Evo >.<

But for now, I guess
-2 Ultra Ball
+2 Pokemon Communication

-4 Cheren
+2 Shauna
+2 Colress

Also, I just pulled a Mew EX (FA ^^) from the Venusaur EX Box. Should I switch out any pokemon for them?
Thx for the advice! I'll edit my first post later.

EDIT: Wait, is Mew EX rotated out too? It's okay right? Cause I got it from Legendary Treasures and not Dragons Exalted. Also, isn't Pokemon Communication also on Black & White (Plasma Something)?
You are correct. All cards obtainable from Legendary Treasures are legal, so you may use Mew-EX in a deck. As for whether or not it is good enough to be put into this deck, I would personally not use. While it can copy attacks, it can be knocked out fairly easily and gives up 2 prizes, so if you DO plan on using it, only make use of it in a situation where your opponent has no way of knocking you out in 1 hit.
How about the Venusaur EX?
Also, I bought the 36 FuF Boosters & got Heracross & MHeracrossEX (along with 3 others EXs) from it. Should I put them on this deck?