Deck Strategy Brain Teasers!!! - Now with multiple puzzles!!!


I put the "laughter" in "slaughter&
Here's some deck building brain teasers for you. (The ultimate level of boredom! :p)

Puzzle #1

Known Factors:
Basic A x3
Basic B x3
Basic C x1
Basic A has 60 HP (fairly common) and can attack for {C}.
Basic B has 40 HP (and a retreat cost of {C}
Basic B is an Oddish.
Basic C has 60 HP and a retreat cost of {C}.
You cannot add or remove any basics.

1.) Increase the odds of starting with Basic A active.
2.) Avoid getting donked.
3.) Get one of each Basic out, and two of Basic B.
4.) Use Basic A's {C} attack.
5.) Make sure whatever you use to do it is compatible with a Vileplume variant.

Puzzle #2
Known Factors:
Basic A x4
Basic A is HGSS Promo Pikachu.

You may add pokemon freely, but not subtract.

1.) Use Pikachu's Thunderbolt first turn.
2.) Find a way to use it every turn.
3.) Add at least six more basic pokemon, without using Zekrom.

Have fun!!!
RE: Pondering situational probablility... A brain teaser!

I assigned numbers to your goals.

1): Avoid getting donked
2): Increase chances of starting with basic A
3): Use Basic A's attack T1

I would up the Basic C count to 3, which prevents your chances of being donked slightly and increases the chances of you having double basics on T1.

You could also add a Pokemon who's basic has free retreat -- thus increasing the chances of being able to retreat T1 into Basic A.

This effectively completes goal A and C. B is harder to accomplish without upping the counts of A.

Adding cards such as Collector and Dual Balls would also make A easier to achieve (assuming you go first) and C easier to achieve, as well as making your setup better.
RE: Pondering situational probablility... A brain teaser!

Rikko145, are all of equal importance? (eg, getting donked and not getting donked, but not being able to use A's attack are both simply failure), or is not being donked better than being donked no matter what (this is what I assume it is, as it makes the most sense practically)?

I would remove ALL of Basic B either way and add 4 Switch, 4 XTranceiver, 4 PokéGear, 4 Juniper, 4 Dual Ball, 4 Poké Ball, 4 Junk Arm, 4 Collector, 4 Sage's Training, and 4 PONT as well as at least 8 energy of any type (assuming it's not Unlimited). I'm probably forgetting something, but that's to maximize the chances of starting with A and attacking...
RE: Pondering situational probablility... A brain teaser!

I would remove all of basic B and add 4 Switch, 4 Dual Ball and 4 Pokemon Collector.
RE: Pondering situational probablility... A brain teaser!

Pokemunkulys has it right. With the information we have right now, pitching basic B is the way to go.
RE: Pondering situational probablility... A brain teaser!

Okay, let's shake it up then. New facts (just added to the original):
1. You CANNOT change the lines at all.
2. Assume the 40 HP Basic is Oddish, and you need to set up Vileplume, so make sure how you get it out is usable in some sort of Vileplume variant.
3. Get out one of each of Basics A and B as well as set up the Vileplume.
4. Basic A needs to be active.
5. You still have to use Basic A's {C} attack.

This will make it interesting.

Scizorlicious - All are equally important.
Use the Pachirisu Shaymin engine, and use 4 DCE. For the 6 basics, 3/3 split
But how do you use it every turn? That will only work three times.
Why would you WANT to use Pikachu's Thunderbold each turn? Just evolve into a Raichu Prime, add Eelektric, and do 120 each turn with a better energy engine and less attack cost. You can even add Pachi/Shaymin to do 100 T1 if you have your heart bent on it.
It's a puzzle, not a real game situation.

Add 4 Tynamo and 1 Pachi 1 Shaymin as well as 4 Eelektrik, 1 copy of the cards mentioned, and Electric Energies (like 15 I guess).
1. First turn you attach DCE to Active Pikachu,
2. Pachi Shaymin Combo
3. play 3 Tynamo
4. Attack,
5. evolve the 3 Tynamo,
6. Super Scoop Up to take Pachi back into your hand.
Junk Arm two electrics to get Super Scoop Up back.
7. Get Shaymin
8. play another Tynamo and Pikachu. Attatch Electric to benched Pikachu.
9. Dynamotor 3 Times to Benched Pikachu.
10. Play Switch, bring up Pikachu with Energy and Thunderbolt.
11. Evolve Tynamo to Eelektrik.
12. Dynamotor 4 times to Benched Pikachu.
13. Attach Energy to Active Pikachu and Retreat.
14. Thunderbolt.
15. Repeat steps 12-14 for continuous Thunderbolts.