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Deck Surgery: Nidoking/Nidoqueen -> Ttar/Nidoqueen


Aspiring Trainer
3-2-3 Nidoking (2TR/1RR)
2-2-2 Nidoqueen RR
2-1-2 Reuniclus
1 Relicanth SV
2 Uxie
1 Azelf
1 Unown Q
4 Spiritomb

4 Pokemon Collector
1 Bebe's Search
2 Expert Belt
4 Rare Candy
2 Warp Point
2 Pokemon Communication
1 Luxury Ball
19 TSS

4 Fighting energy
4 Rainbow energy
4 Double Colorless energy
1 rescue energy

13 Energy

I have now come to the conclusion that Nidoking is terrible. I managed to win quite a few games... but mainly due to nidoqueen being good.

I also noticed that Tyranitar is like a better version of nidoking. Nidoking is 2f2c for 80+poison; Tyranitar is 2d2c for 120 (+20 for special darkness). Nidoking with 1 nidoqueen on the bench is 160 hp. Tyranitar baseline is 160hp, also. Tyranitar can also attack for 1 energy which synergizes with Nidoqueens healing.

I have also noticed that the deck can easily have a decks-change surgery (play on words) to simply remove Nidoking and replace it with Tyranitar.

Replace 3-2-3 Nidoking with 3-2-3 Tyranitar.
Replace 4 fighting energy with 4 Special Dark energy.

With the changes to Rare Candy, I think I'll take one out - making Tyranitar a 3-3-3 line. Also, since I start spiritomb, I think I'll exchange 1 pokemon communication for another bebe's. Since I run only special energies, I'll take out the one rescue energy and add an energy exchange unit. None of my pokemon have a single colorless attack cost (i.e Dark or dark and two colorless for Ttar, 1 Psychic or 1 psychic and DCE for Nidoqueen)

Do not worry about Scizor Prime; Power claw goes straight through his body. Fighting types can be a pain, but using reuniclus, they have to OHKO Ttar; otherwise I'll move every damage counter to my bench to heal. If they do OHKO Ttar, it's a real shame (180 hp with belt = 90 damage from a fighting type... mainly just Machamp prime and that's about it) but it's alright; Nidoqueen is psychic and will hit them all for weakness. The only exception is donphan who is fighting, can hit for 90, and is weak to water. However, most donphans only use their first attack, and donphan can't really do much to nidoqueen (without killing their own bench!).

Any comments? improvements? After rotation, Nidoqueen will be replaced with Serperior (Which has synergy with rainbow energy; it allows you to move your rainbow energies to your tyranitar to act as darkness)