

Hi, I'm a scrub
I'm wondering about the quality of some deckboxes. I know that some tend to white out over time. Is there any that don't, and if so could you provide a link to them?
I use this Zapdos box. I've used it for the past year or more, and it is still in near perfect condition. Also, The Moltres and Articuno ones are really cool, and several others at my league have the other two. They work amazingly and I believe aren't that expensive. They're about 5 to 6 dollars on Amazon and such, but I got mine for 7 at my league.
I use:
Lions/My littlest pet shop deck~Jp MD
Dark Paladin (YGO) deck~Ultra Pro (one that holds 60+ cards)
Other Pokémon Decks (main ones)~just a standard box (that holds bussiness cards (I can get one for you if you me to)).
I use the same exact deck box as Hatman, and I've had it for about three years, so I would recommend getting one of those with the legendary birds on them. If you can't find them, then I would use an Ultra-pro one, its also pretty durable.

This is a link to the Articuno deck-box.

This is a link to the Moltres deck-box.
They white out because they get scratched. If you really care how a 10 dollar deckbox looks, I suggest taking better care of it.
^Some deckboxes just do that from handling it so many times. How do you know these people spent $10 on a deckbox? Light also tends to fade the colors.
James: Accidents happen. The whole point of the deckbox is that You can bang it on a table and your deck won't be hurt.

I have an Articuno box. However, I don't like the design so much.

Some people spend $100 dollars on a deckbox. I saw one on Ebay going for that much :x
I've been using my Japanese Regigigas box that I got a few years ago at nats for like $6. It's held up fairly well, aside from parts where the ink's worn off. I used to use a JPN Unseen Forces deck box that hasn't held up quite so well; I can post pictures of the UF one later.

Here's the Gigas one:

IMG_0848.jpg by liberskym, on Flickr

IMG_0852.jpg by liberskym, on Flickr
That $100 deckbox is obviously for collection purposes - nobody would ever dare USE such a treasure.

Anyways, I've been using my Japanese Heatran deckbox. The one that goes with .::n00bmuffin::.'s Regigigas.
Too lazy to take a shot of it myself, so here's an image from the net~


It's awesome. Definitely the best deckbox I've ever used. I've been using it for quite a while, and it's still in perfect condition. :3
$100? I got one for $15/20. :p

I use a Supreme Victors deckbox, however it is faded on the back from just repeated use. I've been using it for the better part of two years now, so I suppose it's understandable, although I'm sure there's probably better quality boxes...

dmaster out.
Eeveeloutions is $60 tops. and you could get it for 15-20 when it first came out. Dmaster, is yours the actual eeveloutions or the leafy/glacy one.
It's got all the Eeveelutions on it. Let me find a picture.

The one on the right:

My friends also got one for themselves for $15/20 so I guess we were pretty lucky, no? XD We just got them a few months ago during Fall BR.

dmaster out.