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DelBoar (Emboar / Delphox / Pyroar)


Aspiring Trainer

  • 2x Tepig
    1x Pignite
    2x Emboar
    3x Fennekin
    1x Braixen
    3x Delphox
    2x Litleo
    2x Pyroar
    1x Reshiram

  • 2x Fiery Torch
    3x Blacksmith
    3x Startling Megaphone
    2x Pal Pad
    2x Random Receiver
    3x Professor Sycamore
    1x Tierno
    4x Rare Candy
    2x Energy Retrieval
    2x Sacred Ash
    1x Dowsing Machine

  • 14x Fire Energy
    2x Double Colorless Energy

Get a Delphox up with Emboar and Pyroar on the bench. Now you can use Inferno Fandango to repeatedly attach energies to Delphox. If you have 3 energies on Delphox it does 110. 4 energies would do 130, with 5 it would do 150. That damage can add up pretty quickly. This is the fire type equivalent of Keldeo Blastoise!
Hey there!

As of my own experience with my deck, I can tell you: Running 2 different stage 2 pokemon is REALLY slow... I think Delphox is a great attacker and have a nice ability too. For energy Acceleration we have blacksmith, so I'm not sure if I'd run Emboar. I would better put 3 or even 4 Pyroar since it's a game breaker for many match ups. Another fire-type pokemon I recommend is Reshiram (the one with outrage). This guy also can do lots of damage and it's a nightmare for Virizion decks.

For the trainer line, you should really run 4 Sycamore instead of 2 Tierno. You can afford discarding some cards since you have sacred ash, blacksmith and Pal Pad to get things back! Actually, one sacred ash and one pal pad should be enough. 3 Blacksmith is nice, you're going to need it. Wait... where is Ultra Ball?? You really need 4 of these, otherwise you're never getting your basic or evolved pokemon into play. Another supported needed is Skyla (instead of random receiver), so you can search for rare candy when you get the evolution in hand. N is one of the better cards in the format, put 3 or 4 of it.
And don't forget about ace spec card! Every competitive deck should run one, either dowsing machine or computer search!
Lysander is also pretty standard nowadays, very strong.

You can fill up the deck with the trainers above and leave about 10 Fire energy and 3 or 4 double colorless.

Wrapping up:

Pokemon: (17)
3x Fennekin
1x Braixen
3x Delphox
4x Litleo
4x Pyroar
2x Reshiram

Trainers/Supporters/Stadiums: (28)
2x Fiery Torch
3x Blacksmith
2x Startling Megaphone
1x Pal Pad
2x Skyla
4x Professor Sycamore
4x N
2x Colress
4x Rare Candy
1x Sacred Ash
1x Dowsing machine
2x Lysander


12x Fire Energy
3x Double Colorless

Test it and tell me what you think ;)
Thanks for your suggestions! I added 2 DCEs, a Reshiram, Dowsing Machine, Another Sycamore. I removed 1 from the Emboar line.