Get a Delphox up with Emboar and Pyroar on the bench. Now you can use Inferno Fandango to repeatedly attach energies to Delphox. If you have 3 energies on Delphox it does 110. 4 energies would do 130, with 5 it would do 150. That damage can add up pretty quickly. This is the fire type equivalent of Keldeo Blastoise!
2x Tepig
1x Pignite
2x Emboar
3x Fennekin
1x Braixen
3x Delphox
2x Litleo
2x Pyroar
1x Reshiram
2x Fiery Torch
3x Blacksmith
3x Startling Megaphone
2x Pal Pad
2x Random Receiver
3x Professor Sycamore
1x Tierno
4x Rare Candy
2x Energy Retrieval
2x Sacred Ash
1x Dowsing Machine
14x Fire Energy
2x Double Colorless Energy
Get a Delphox up with Emboar and Pyroar on the bench. Now you can use Inferno Fandango to repeatedly attach energies to Delphox. If you have 3 energies on Delphox it does 110. 4 energies would do 130, with 5 it would do 150. That damage can add up pretty quickly. This is the fire type equivalent of Keldeo Blastoise!