Ruling Delcatty PK


Aspiring Trainer

Delcatty PK 8/108 has an attack called Max Energy Source which reads "Does 10 damage times the amount of Energy attached to all of your Active Pokemon." This seems to imply that I could have more than one active Pokemon.

1. What is an "Active" Pokemon?
2. Is it really possible to have more than one active Pokemon?

Munchlaxx said:

Delcatty PK 8/108 has an attack called Max Energy Source which reads "Does 10 damage times the amount of Energy attached to all of your Active Pokemon." This seems to imply that I could have more than one active Pokemon.

1. What is an "Active" Pokemon?
Any Pokemon in play that isn't on the bench. That's the only way to really describe it. Your active Pokemon is the one doing the fighting.
2. Is it really possible to have more than one active Pokemon?
Yes, there is a form of playing the game, called double battles. You play with 2 Active Pokemon slots and only 4 on the bench. You can still only attack once and you can only attack 1 Pokemon (unless the card says otherwise). It never really took off. Charizard PK is an example of a card that does something to both active Pokemon.

...So if I attach more energy to Delcatty PK 8/108 that's the only way to increase the HP of the Max Energy Source attack ... right?

Whatever Pokemon is fighting your opponent is your active Pokemon. The more energy attached to that card the more damage it does. If you are doing a 2 on 2 battle or 3 on 3 if they have encrypted it into the game yet then this attack will do a lot of damage. Especially with 3 on 3 if that is allowed but I am not sure.:)
Munchlaxx said:
...So if I attach more energy to Delcatty PK 8/108 that's the only way to increase the HP of the Max Energy Source attack ... right?


Yes, the more energy you attach to Delcatty PK, the more damage it does...