delta deakness [dp set #8 ] need master fakers and good card designers

will we get this done

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Aspiring Trainer
ok this set has 90 cards it's all made of dark pokemon and trainers and staduims that help thme so here's soem of the cards [note: they are all delta sepies exepet for darkira he's dark/metal ]

charzird lvl. x 130hp
blazeiken lvl . x 120hp
infernape lvl.x 160hp
typolison lvl.x 140hp
charzird 100hp
blazeiken 100hp
infernape 110hp
typolsion 100hp
darkria lvl.x 140hp
darkria 120hp
gengar lvl. x 150hp
gengar 120hp
umbreon lvl. x
umbreon 90hp
espoeon 90hp
leafeon 80hp
glaceon 80hp
eevee 70hp
salamence 140hp
metagross 130hp
eevee 60hp

dark master
dark tv reporter
dark ball
dark staduim
rare candy
holon master
holon mentor
holon darkness
moon staduim
poke ball
master ball
great ball

double darkness engery
darkness engery [basic]
darkness energy [speacal]
delta rainbow energy

ok more coming soon and i know there is a lot of lvl .x s but this is the way i want it

here's the rules
1. each pokemon must have a lvl on it
2. you must put the hp , rissetence , weakness , and etc
3. the card must have the 2-3 attacks
4. all lvl.xs must poke bodies or poke powers
5. if you sign up you must stay with the project you may post that you can't
6. obey all the poke beach forum rules as well


master fakers :
super fakers :
light Venusaur°
cards :
umbreon: [note: click link for image]
ok go create the cards and i'll tell you if i want them and i want img tags on the like

infernape lvl.x 160hp

poke body
hot shield :
if your oppent's pokemon attacks and is a watr type reduse the damage by 60 .
fire arm two dark 70
if infernape lvl.x will be knocked out next turn this attack does 130 damage

super heat 4 dark 120
if infernape lv.x has any fire energy attached to it this attack burns and does 150 damage

umbreon lvl. x
poke body dark moon:
if your eevees have any dark energy attached to them eevee can use umbreon lvl.xs attacks [if they have the nesarray energy]

moon tickle 3 dark 70
if your eevees have be damaged by any attacks you can move the damage to any pokemon in play [ours and your oppent's ] in any way if your oppent's pokemon will be knocked out that way you may draw two prize cards instead on one

father stikre 2 dark 50 hp
if any eevees are in the discard pile you may put them back in your deck with up to 3 dark enegry and a umbreon

typolison lvl.x 140hp
poke power: dark fire , if you ahve at least one fire energy attached to typolison lvl.x ,typolison lvl.x has no weakness and all typolison's attacks do 50 more damage.

mega burn 2 dark 50
this attack burns your oppent and they can not get raid of it

fire stirke 4 dark 80
if the defaning pokemon is a water type this attack does 20 more damage and 60 damage to a benched pokemon that is a water type.
ok i will be gone all day today so plz post some thing i will post the other pokemon and trainers and energy tomorrow
ok thanks guy start making them ! and i added ratings and i will give keep track of how many cards you guys make and i need a set sympol and 6 main pokemon for booster packs and theme decks and i will make a cool banner too [i don't want the cards for the boosters ,decks and banner i want just images]
errrm...i can say right of the bat, that this is messed up, first off absolutley none of these cards are even close to be considered "well made", the HP are comepletley off...

If u want to make an uber set, state that first;)
ok i need some more members [well a lot more! xd] and i need my members to start working on the cards and contunue to post thank you and keep working hard pokemon fans!
edit: i fixed the hp for some of the pokemon to make them less uberish and i am adding some more cards to the list so keep checking out post number one
ok i'll fix the hp
I can only make them their own type (IE: Jolty being Electric) I'm useing the D/P blanks.
i'll try and help. don't know how well i'll do tho. anyone know where to get delta d/p card backgrounds?
Here is a card!

It kinda sucks...But I'm not the best faker.....I could only make 1 card today due to A FRIGGIN LOT OF STUPID SCOOHL WORK!!!! I will try to make more tomorrow.
ok thanks infernape [an i think it looks good maybe different art] and it has to be dark type and delta and i never had lugia on there but i can add it and plz use the cards i posted i will post more pokemon ,trainer, and energy cards soon
So you want me to make the Lugai card a dark Pokemon? It is delta?!?!

I know you didn't have it on the list but i HAD to make a Lugia! LOL!!

Ok I will make the one's on your list from now on!
edit: i made a card tell me what you think [it's the umbreon]
ok thanks and all the non dark types[ the orignals ] will become dark pokemon and they are delta so yes i will post some new pokemon right now on the first post
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