Ruling Delta Energys ???


Aspiring Trainer
Im not sure of this one....

Holon´s Electrode and Holon´s Magnetone, the ones that counts also, as double energy... can be attach to any pokemon???? (basic, envolved, ex, non-holo)...
Yes, Holon's magneton and holon's electrode can be attached to any pokemon as long as that pokemon has an energy to bounce back, for holon's magnemite and holon's voltorb, you can attach them to any pokemon. ;)
Is that mean, get holon's mageneton/electrode = get DRE? (well in special condition of course)
oooo thats awesome... that keep me thinking of innumerals combos, with ex pokemons that can discard 2 energys to do powerfuls attacks... in combination of "energy switch", or pokepowers that move energys from pokemon to pokemon.....

and bring them back to your hand with a "pokemon retriever"
MysteryE: It is something like DRE, except,
1. You CAN attach to basic
2. You MUST return an energy card from that pokemon to your hand
3. Attacks DO NOT -10