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Deoxys EX / Darkrai EX Deck


Aspiring Trainer
Hey guys! Today I will be sharing my idea for a Deoxys and Darkrai deck. (Sorry about the introduction. I'm a YouTuber :p) I'm kind of a noob at deck building so it would be great if you could give me some improvements that I could make for this decks or decks in general!



  • 3x Darkrai EX (Attack)
    3x Deoxys EX (Boost)
    4x Sableye (Setup)
    2x Absol (Secondary Attack)
    1x Keldeo EX (Status Effect)

  • 4x Muscle Band (Boost)
    2x Team Plasma Badge (Boost)
    3x Dark Patch (Recycle)
    3x Hypnotoxic Laser (Secondary Attack)
    2x Great Ball (Setup)
    2x Ultra Ball (Setup)
    2x Team Plasma Ball (Setup)
    2x Professors Letter (Setup)
    2x Random Receiver (Setup)
    1x Colress (Setup)
    3x N (Setup)
    2x Shadow Triad (Recycle)
    3x Skyla (Setup)
    2x Virbank City Gym (Secondary Attack)

  • 8x Dark Energy
    4x Blend Energy PFGD
    2x Plasma Energy
Sableye is the preferable starter. Get up a Darkrai (or Absol with Dark Claw if you can't get a Darkrai) with Team Plasma Badge with a few Deoxys on the bench. A virbank and hypnotoxic laser would be helpful if you can get it. Deoxys is not meant to be an attacker in this deck,but if you have to use him as your active, he'll work fine.

Edited to coincide with the rules! :D ~Kecleon
You do realize, though, that Deoxys only works for Plasma Pokemon, yes? Ergo, only Absol will be boosted from Deoxys, not Darkrai. Should this be your strategy, I might try to fit in some Plasma Badge to make Darkrai a Plasma Pokemon, thus making Deoxys work for him.

Also, I might swap out those Dark Claw for Muscle Band so Deoxys can use them as well. His second attack can get ridiculous when your opponent's Pokemon has four energy on a Pokemon; with a Muscle Band, that 170 HPer is done.

Just a couple of thoughts.
I actually do have some team plasma badges in the decklist. Muscle Band is a great idea. Also, sorry that it wasn't in the right format.