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recycled qq

Aspiring Trainer
Pokemon 12
  • 3 Deoxys EX
  • 3 Thundurus EX
  • 3 Kyurem
  • 2 Lugia EX
  • 1 Keldeo EX

Trainers/Supporters 36
  • 4 Juniper
  • 4 N
  • 2 Skyla
  • 2 Cheren
  • 4 Plasma Ball
  • 4 Colress Machine
  • 4 Catcher
  • 3 Hypno Laser
  • 3 Float Stone
  • 2 Switch
  • 1 Scramble Switch
  • 2 Virbank City Gym
  • 1 Frozen City

Energy 12
  • 4 WFML Blend En
  • 4 Prism Energy
  • 4 Plasma Energy


Basically set up thundurus w/ deoxys on the bench and go to work. Kyurem as a non-ex attacker and lugia for the end game prizes.

This is my list so far... i'm thinking i should run some ultra balls along w/ the plasma balls... and i'm also considering double colorless energies. Any ideas on what i can take out?

Also, any other suggestions or comments are welcome :)
I play 4 Deoxys, 3 Thundurus, 1 Lugia, 2 Kyurem, and 1 Snorlax. The line works for me. You don't need Keldeo. Thundurus would retrieve energies discarded through retreating, also allowing you to move the, around. I also play 2 Float Stone and 3 Switches for backup, and I have no problems. I don't think you should play Frozen City. Colress is also much better than N in this deck, because you usually fill your bench with Deoxys quickly, and your opponent has to bench to stay in the game, giving you at least 4-5 cards per Colress, even more late game. I play 2 Plasma Ball and 2 Ultra Ball, because you can discard the energy with Ultra Ball, and use Thundurus to attach it quickly, giving you energy quickly. I also recommend you play a fourth HTL. Hope this helps! If you want, I can post my decklist if you want to compare.
Hegafire0 said:
I play 4 Deoxys, 3 Thundurus, 1 Lugia, 2 Kyurem, and 1 Snorlax. The line works for me. You don't need Keldeo. Thundurus would retrieve energies discarded through retreating, also allowing you to move the, around. I also play 2 Float Stone and 3 Switches for backup, and I have no problems. I don't think you should play Frozen City. Colress is also much better than N in this deck, because you usually fill your bench with Deoxys quickly, and your opponent has to bench to stay in the game, giving you at least 4-5 cards per Colress, even more late game. I play 2 Plasma Ball and 2 Ultra Ball, because you can discard the energy with Ultra Ball, and use Thundurus to attach it quickly, giving you energy quickly. I also recommend you play a fourth HTL. Hope this helps! If you want, I can post my decklist if you want to compare.

Thanks! That was extremely helpful :D I considered keldeo since there is a lot of HTL around, rush in could come in handy.