Ruling Destiny and archtype ??


4th Place at swedish nats
what is destiny?

And what is an archtype?

these are 2 common terms that i have hard to understand...

and wich of them is the best?
Destiny is Skarmory ex PK Rayquaza ex d DF Lickitung d DF Stantler UF Mew ex LM and Roselia LM
Don't ask for deck lists here. That'll get you in trouble.

An archtype is a top-level deck that consistently performs well in tournaments. Something like that.
Basically, it's the fact that someone invented a deck and the rest of the world started to steal it cuz it rocked.
StealthAngel667 said:
Basically, it's the fact that someone invented a deck and the rest of the world started to steal it cuz it rocked.
I invent 3-5 tourney worth decks a month, but I don't see people stealing them....well, besides my latest one, which was stolen by a very desperate man...;/ lol. The main reason why its getting so much attention is 1) Its very veristile. It literally has a winning move at all times. Its just amazing. 2) It was made by one of the best players in the game. 3) Jimmy was hyping it up before states, so it instantly had alot of attention.
Archetype has been answered, so I won't get into that.

Destiny is an amazingly difficult deck to master that was invented by Jimmy Ballard (BANGINBOX), Zach Fisher (Rambo1000), and Adam Maldando (Not sure if he's on 'gym..he's in Lafonte, I believe though) and some others that has won a large amount of high-level tournaments in a short amount of time.

For the full article, go here.

ps - Screenames are from 'gym.

Arcanine out.