Ruling Destiny

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well,judging by everything they talked about,i think it has mew ex hp,stantler,rayquaza ex d,lickitung,holon engine n some other stuff. it really must be powerful since nobody wants 2 tell the decklist or they r just scared of netdeckers.DARN NETDECKERS!!!!!
Stantler = huge disruption pushing away trainers and confusing evolved pokemon ... and only needs 1-2 energy.
Lickitung = great delta deck sniping or draw if you need it ... only takes 1 energy
Ray ex d = another great sniper ... will usually only need around 2 energy though possibly up to 4
Skarmory ex = more disruption and makes retreating painful ... 2 energy for the best attack or at most 3.
Mew ex = has more HP than Stantler or Lickitung and can extend the attacks of any of the others.

Everything has more HP than the normal basic ... heck Stantler alone has the same 70 hp as most delta stage 1s. None of them take much energy so no acceration really needed. I'm guessing that Stantler is the ideal start, push away & confuse ... if they retreat Skarmory's body will damage them. Then you start sniping, possibly with the aid of reversals & er2 ... or using Mew / Scarmory to knock their actives to the bench. Cessasion Crystal on Stantler or Licki to mute powers.

I'm sure that they have a good list but just based on the general strat you could make your own.

I did get to see a guy playing a Ray ex d / Mew ex deck that did pretty well over the weekend. Never played him so I don't have his list either but parts of the concept are the same.
But for this deck, there's 1 card that disrupts this deck, which is Aggron ex, basic can't attack or use bodys and powers !!! *says to self : better make an Aggron ex deck*
yeah i saw somewhere that this deck will lose 2 aggron ex.anyways, there is a VERY HARD 2 find strategy behind this deck.but if we find out at nationals,that will be 2 late.
Well, since this deck is very vulnerable to Aggron ex, here's a possible anti-Destiny deck.

Pokemon (23)

4-3-3-1 Aggron ex (CG,PK)
3-2-3 Nidoqueen d (DF)
4 Holon's Magnetrode (DS)

Trainers (25)
4 Rare Candy
4 Windstorm
+ 17 other trainers

Energies (12)
4 Metal
4 Boost
4 Dark Metal
just too slow.sorry but it'll never work destiny is design 2 kill quick.

p.s. can u look in the deck garage 2 see why i need that kingler d?it is tool overkill deck
I've seen it, but the problem of the deck above is attaching energy, if there's only 1 way to make Aggron ex faster.
tech metagross thats it!(being sarcastic)how r u suposed 2 bring both out fast enough?nidoqueen will make stuff even worse.face it,the only thing that has a chance is ninjask dx
NO!!!! if u start with a starter,ur trainers n ur bench will be F-R-I-E-D!!!!
No, it'll be like this, Gardevoir uses Psy-Shadow, attaches to Aggron ex, then Holon Research Tower turns it to metal.:)
lol ... I wonder if my Cloyster d tech in my States Flygon deck would have thrown them for a loop? Of course it would have been hard to get out without full trainer & queen support if they started with Stanter + CC. NO ONE else played Cloyster but it was so helpful to me in certain matches.

Hmm ... possibly not. As I think about it Lickitung + CC would shut down the body and they could potentially snipe it out. Would have to take out those tung's quicly to stop it. Or they could just Reversal it out and OHKO it with Ray. :(
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