Ruling Deul type Legends and their Attacks


Aspiring Trainer
okay, say i have this guy out all energized and everything

and he is fire and water type, id i do his fire attack bursting inferno onto a reshiram, because Suicune Entei is part water type would i hit for weakness?

also, if i had the same card in play and my opponent attacks me with a Raikou Suicune Legend, who is part water and part and part electric, which are both of Entei Suicunes weakness, how would i calculate the times 2 damage id i were to be attacked if both of RSL's types are my weakness
1st question: Yes, because Suicune & Entei Legend is a water type, weakness is applied, the attack used doesn't matter.

2nd question: Because Suicune & Entei Legend is weak to both of Raikou & Suicune Legends types, weakness is applied twice. So it would be base damage x 2 x 2, or base damage x 4.