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DiaChompKen (Seniors, Cities)


Trust me... I'm a professional.
Hello all. I realized my cities tourney isn't until january.So i decided to try a wacky combo. Dialga/Garchomp/Blaziken. One tanks, one donks, one snipes. Here's how I'm gonna run it.

3-1 Dialga G X {M}
2-2 Garchomp C X {C}
2-1 Blaziken FB X {R}
2 Uxie{P}
1 Azelf{P}
2 Crobat G{P}
1 Promocroak{F}
1-1 Drifblim UD{P}
1 Ambipom G

4 Cyrus's Conspiracy
4 Energy Gain
3 Power Spray
4 Poketurn
2 SP Radar
2 Expert Belt
2 Aaron's Collection
2 Pokemon Communication
2 Bebe's Search
2 Pokemon Collector

4 Special Metal{M}
3 Fire{R}
4 Double Colorless{C}{C}
1 Psychic{P}

As you can see, this needs quite a bit of help. Luckily I have time so please suggest some stuff.

I spruced up the deck a bit. Took out Ambipom because I feel like I can kill Garchomp's WITH my Garchomp. Took out a Collector as I found that that the only supporter I needed 3 or 4 of in SP is Cyrus(in my experiences) Put in a GHQ for The 2-2 ToxiTank engine(I've played my ToxiTank and it actually works with just one stadium). Added a Psychic Energy.
Luxury Ball and Premier Ball aren't really a neccesity in SP decks, so here's what I'd do:

-x1 Premier Ball
-x1 Luxury Ball

+x1 Unown Q
+x1 Champions Room

or maybe

+x2 Pokemon Communication
Hmm...well, you really don't need 2 Skuntank G's if you're only running 1 Stadium. I can see if you're concerned it may get prized, but that's what you got Azelf for :)

Now, this is just a suggestion, your deck is a basic DialgaChomp with Blaziken Tech, so you don't really need the "Ken" at the end of "DiaChompKen". Excuse me if I sound controlling :p
I think for the ToxiTank line I should only run 1-1 Toxicroak/Skuntank.
I kinda like the name. It's out of the norm.
1 Uxie for draw? If you're sprayed...you're screwed. I suggest cutting one of the two Skuntank G for another Uxie. Skuntank is a worse start. Other than that, this is super solid. I really wish there was room for a couple PONT, because hand refresh is so good but since it's DialgaChomp (basically), there is never enough room for everything you want..

dmaster out.
Good idea...good idea...
Yeah I got the idea for it when I was looking at my binder and saw that they would work well together.
I would ditch the belts. You're almost attatching the Egain every single time. Take them out for one more Collector and either another E gain, Honchkrow G for getting your only GHQ, or another GHQ. Or you could always ditch toxitank and the stadiums for a different Machamp counter as well as some more consistency cards. Also, if possible, I'd try beefing Dialga to 2-2 instead of 3-1. But try it first.
I find a 3-1 DGX consistent when I played it in DialgaSol.You're right on the belts. I was self-debating on whether to use them or not.I don't know any other Machamp counters to be honest.Now I have 5 slots open for something. Maybe some PONT?
I don't agree with 25% of that.
Almost every deck in the game needs at least an Expert Belt. It pumps up attack for an easy tank and can save a Pokemon when it's at its worst.
Belt is 100% perfect for Dialga. They go together like Peanut Butter and Jelly. You Deafen for 30 which is a lot more damage and with a couple Metals and a DCE, it does 100 with Remove Lost plus boosting the HP. It's necessary; keep them.

dmaster out.