• When creating a thread in the Deck Garage, make sure that you post one deck per thread, you use the correct prefix, you have the set name/card number next to each card, you give a strategy for non-metagame decks, and give translations for all cards not available in English.

    When posting in a thread, be sure to explain all your suggestions thoroughly. Additionally, do not ask for advice in another member's thread.

Dialga EX / Bronzong


Top Canadian

  • 1 Cobalion EX
    3 Dialga EX (Phantom Forces)
    1 Aegislash EX (Phantom Forces)
    4 Bronzor
    4 Bronzong
    2 Cubchoo
    2 Beartic (Furious Fists)
    2 Keldeo EX

  • 1 Evosoda
    3 Ultra Ball
    1 Dowsing Machine
    2 Hypnotoxic Laser
    1 Switch
    1 Battle Compressor
    2 Startling Megaphone
    1 VS Seeker (Phantom Forces)
    3 Muscle Band
    2 Float Stone
    3 Pokemon Fan Club
    3 N
    4 Professor Juniper
    2 Skyla
    1 Lysandre
    3 Colress

  • 8 Metal

The idea with this deck is to use Keldeo's Rush In ability to return Dialga to the bench after atacking, power him up through Bronzongs' Metal Chain and then retreat via float stone. Dialga ex can hit for 170 with Full Metal Impact and a muscle band. Use hypnotoxic laser to reach the magical 180. Use Cobalion EX to improve plasma matchups, Aegislash ex for anything that uses special energy, and Beartic to counter Pyroar and Lando EX.

Dialga-EX - Metal - HP180
Basic Pokemon

[M][C][C] Chrono Wind: 60 damage. If the opponent's Active Pokemon is a Pokemon-EX, it cannot attack during your opponent's next turn.
[M][M][C][C] Fullmetal Impact: 150 damage. Discard 2 [M] Energy attached to this Pokemon.

When a Pokemon-EX has been Knocked Out, your opponent takes 2 Prize cards.

Weakness: Fire (x2)
Resistance: Psychic (-20)
Retreat: 2

Aegislash-EX Metal - HP170
Basic Pokemon

Ability: Mighty Shield
Prevent all damage done to this Pokemon by attacks from your opponent's Pokemon that have any Special Energy attached to them.

[C][C][C] Slash Blast: 40+ damage. Does 20 more damage for each [M] Energy attached to this Pokemon.

When a Pokemon-EX has been Knocked Out, your opponent takes 2 Prize cards.

Weakness: Fire (x2)
Resistance: Psychic (-20)
Retreat: 3

Bronzong - Metal - HP90
Stage 1 - Evolves from Bronzor

Ability: Metal Chain
Once during your turn, you may choose 1 Metal Energy from your discard pile and attach it to 1 of your Benched Pokemon.

[M][M][C] Hammer In: 60 damage.

Weakness: Fire (x2)
Resistance: Psychic (-20)
Retreat: 3

VS Seeker
Put 1 Supporter card from your discard pile into your hand.

Battle Compressor - Trainer
Search your deck for up to 3 cards and discard them. Shuffle your deck afterward.
Please include scans / text of all cards that have not been released in English yet. Thanks!
Sorry about that!

Chrono Wind 60
If your opponent's Active Pokémon is a Pokémon-EX, it can't attack during your opponent's next turn
Full Metal Impact 150
Discard 2 Metal Energy attached to this Pokémon.

Ability Mighty Shield
This Pokémon isn't affected by damage from attacks by your opponent's Pokémon that has any Special Energy attached to it.
Slash Blast 40+
This attack does 20 more damage for each Metal Energy attached to it.

Ability Metal Chain
Once during your turn (before your attack), you may attach a Metal Energy card from your discard pile to 1 of your Benched Pokémon.
Hammer In 60

VS Seeker
Put 1 Supporter card from your discard pile into your hand.

Battle Compressor
Search your deck for 3 cards and discard them. Shuffle your deck afterward.