Dialga G X needed in LuxChomp?

Is Dialga G X needed in Luxchomp?

  • Whatever the Meta is, it is neede

    Votes: 14 48.3%
  • No, it isn't.

    Votes: 15 51.7%

  • Total voters


Top 8, Worlds 2013
Advanced Member
I'm wondering if you think Dialga G X is neede in a Luxchomp deck. It slows my deck down because it's hard to retreat DGX. Also, (Correct me if I'm wrong) VileGar is played much in the DC area. Most decks are just random.
Dialga G X:
Well if your area is full of Vilegar then it would be wise to play DGX in Luxchomp. With at least 2 Warp Energy and a few Enegry Exchanger it isn't too difficult to get DGX benched.
I play it in mine. but thats just me. DGX helps Luxchomp with a lot of things besides Genger. Steelix Prime being one of them.
Blaziken luring flame Vileplume. Next turn, as it has too heavy retreat, it cannot attacks plus, you will kill it with Blaziken lv.x. Just look at the card and you will see that it is awsome.
Not everybody has 4 SSU and 4 Warp. I don t exactly know Vilegar but normally, i will not put any warp because it waste space and Gengar has 0 retreat.
I have 2 Warp in my Vilegar. Not that they will always be in the hand though.
I run both Blaziken FB X and Dialga G X. With Dialga G X, you stop the vileplume, and with Blaziken FB X, you beat it!
Vilegar decks all run Warp Energy though with lots of cards that can be used to have a chance at drawing one. This is why I see DGX as a better counter than Blaziken. Also, DGX is resistant to Gengar allowing it to stay alive if it is stuck in the active, rather than with Blaziken that can easily get destroyed by a poltergeist.
You are going to run:
2-1 Dialga G
2-1 Blaziken FB
2 Fire energies
some metal

all that just for vilegar and all those in a Luxchomp deck. I think it is too much. Tech one or the other, which are both good (I prefere Blaziken because it can be an attacker too, but dialga deafen Lock is cool too... not VS Vilegar!).
No 2-1 DGX. I run a 1-1 and that is fine. There are a lot of Random decks in my area, and also decks like Gigas and Gyarados which don't rely on bodys. Blaziken is also great for disruption like picking a Regice to burn. I find DGX is hard to sent up and retreat.
Pokebeach gets dumber and dumber. Running a line of both in your deck makes it clunky and inconsistent, if you want to play both you mine as well drop Luxray and just play BlazeChomp w/ Dialga. Whatever you play make it consistent. Sending up Dialga and retreating is easy. You have Warp Energy/DCE/Energy + Q or you can always attack with Dialga.
^No. I'm trying Luxchomp without Dialga. Also, a standard luxchomp doesn't want to waste DCE's on retreating Pokemon that rarely help me, because I'd much rather use 'Dragon Rush' as many times as possible without having to attach many energies because a standard luchomp deck doesn't have a ton of energys.
Why dont you just try a normal consistent luxchomp. That usually wins (In my case anyway) Just powerspray them and set up as fast as possible and dump as many trainers. It will be tough but winnable for sure.