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Dialgachomp deck for states (Needs lots of advice!!)


Formerly Known as Tybike
Here is my deck list:

19 Pokemon
1 x Dialga G LV.X-PL
3 x Dialga G-PL
1 x Palkia G LV.X-PL
1 x Palkia G-PL
3 x Crobat G-PL
3 x Uxie-LA
2 x Garchomp C LV.X-SV
2 x Garchomp C-SV
2 x Chatot G-SV
1 x Honchkrow G-PL

28 Trainer/Supporter/Stadium
1 x Luxury Ball-SF
2 x Level Max-PL
4 x Bebe's Search-RR
2 x Fisherman-HS
1 x Professor Oak's Visit-AR
2 x Cyrus's Conspiracy-RR
1 x SP-Radar-RR
2 x VS Seeker-SV
4 x Poke Turn-PL
1 x Power Spray-PL
2 x Champion's Room-SV
1 x Galactic HQ-PL
2 x Energy Gain-PL
1 x Palmer's Contribution-SV
1 x Aaron's Collection-RR

13 Energy
4 x Double {C} Energy - Special
5 x {M} Energy - Basic
4 x {M} Energy - Special

Strategy:Get Chatot G or Honchkrow G out to get SP radar. Then get Dailga G or Garchomp C out and use a level max to find the LV. X versions of the Pokemon. Find e-gain with cyrus and attach to Dialga G or Garchomp C along with metal energy for Dialga and double colorless for Garchomp. Knock out pixies with Garchomp C LV. X. Put out champion room for free retreat for most Pokemon. Use Crobat G with flash bite if Dialga G or Garchomp C can't do enough damage. If dialga or garchomp are knocked out use palmer's or aaron's to get them back. If to many energy discarded use fisherman or energy returner. LAST RESORT:get Palkia G LV .X out to try to get 6 pokemon in the lost zone and use lost world to win.

I am open for all suggestions.

Ok, well first off, get rid of the whole "Lost World" set up here. Truth is, you will hardly ever get it. Also, many cards can be removed here:

Remove - Palikia 1-1 line -
Palmers Contributions (All)
Fisherman (All)
Level Max (All)
1 Bebe's Search.
1 metal energy
1 Uxie
1 Professor Oak's

Darkness Energy (Hounchcrow)
Energy exchange x2
Bronzong G x1 (To switch warp energies to retreat and heal Dialga)
2 Warp energies
2 Power Sprays
2 Cyruses Conspiracy
1 SP radar

Although you may not agree with my ideas, this is the true way to run Dialgachomp coming form a person who played with it constantly. Trust me. PM me for more help