Well, this last BR I did the tournament with this deck and I was at 2nd place. Now, I improved this deck and it's much better.
3-1 Dialga G L.X PL
2-2 Garchomp C L.X SV
1-1 Luxray GL L.X RR
2-1 Uxie L.X LA
1 Unown Q MD
1 Crobat G PL
1 Bronzong G PL
1 Lucario GL RR
1 Drifblim FB SV
1 PromoCroak DP41
4 SP Metal Energy
1 Metal Energy
2 Warp Energy
1 Lightning Energy
1 Psychic Energy
4 Cyrus''s Conspiracy
3 Pokémon Collector
2 Bebe's Search
1 Aaron's Collection
4 Poké Turn
3 Energy Gain
2 Power Spray
2 SP Radar
2 Energy Exchanger
2 Pokémon Communication
2 Expert Belt
Hopefuly start with Dialga or with a way to use the attack "Deafen" to stop your opponent from using Trainers and Stadiums. Then, keep the lock until you have tanked 1 Dialga on the bench. After that, just heal Dialga with Garchomp C and Warp Energy. Then, if you have to take some more prizes, use Garchomp C L.X.
3-1 Dialga G L.X PL
2-2 Garchomp C L.X SV
1-1 Luxray GL L.X RR
2-1 Uxie L.X LA
1 Unown Q MD
1 Crobat G PL
1 Bronzong G PL
1 Lucario GL RR
1 Drifblim FB SV
1 PromoCroak DP41
4 SP Metal Energy
1 Metal Energy
2 Warp Energy
1 Lightning Energy
1 Psychic Energy
4 Cyrus''s Conspiracy
3 Pokémon Collector
2 Bebe's Search
1 Aaron's Collection
4 Poké Turn
3 Energy Gain
2 Power Spray
2 SP Radar
2 Energy Exchanger
2 Pokémon Communication
2 Expert Belt
Hopefuly start with Dialga or with a way to use the attack "Deafen" to stop your opponent from using Trainers and Stadiums. Then, keep the lock until you have tanked 1 Dialga on the bench. After that, just heal Dialga with Garchomp C and Warp Energy. Then, if you have to take some more prizes, use Garchomp C L.X.