Dice, coins, and damage counters


Ninetales Chaser
So I'm interested in people's opinions, what made everyone switch over from coins and damage counters to dice? I'm more of a fan of dice and damage counters. Call me old school, but it just seems more fun to me.
Well dice is everything in one.

Flipping coins and counting damage counters can get annoying. Plus having so many different things to carry around can be annoying. :p

Having a dice or two solves all your problems. ._.
I agree with Ranger, call me old fashion but I think its simpler with the damage counters and the coins, oh well tho.
How is Dice used? I never heard of this before?:)
Even numbers on a dice = Heads on a coin
Odd numbers on a dice = Tails on a coin

And the damage you just set the dice to how many damage you have on your poke.

Personally, I like dice way more. I don't like those coins, they never work for me lol.
Coins are not reliable, at least I don't like flipping with them. Also, they are more affected by changes in air speed velocity, bla bla bla.
But I like dice since I can keep all 36 of them in the small box they came in. Damage counters look cool but they block out the whole picture if you have 60+ damage on you, which is a pity.
Something that really works: Heroscape Damage counters. Heroscape is that awesome collectible build able board game. The damage counters have maybe 3/5 the diameter of the pokemon ones and they stack. I don't like dice because when my opponent says I have 10 damage, I want to change the die to 10, not add 10 to my original damage.
StealthAngel667 said:
Damage counters look cool but they block out the whole picture if you have 60+ damage on you, which is a pity.

If blocking out the card art bothers you that much you can always just place your counters next to your Pokemon. ;]

Personally though, I really prefer dice, they're much easier to carry around than counters and coins, and tend to be much more fair when it comes to randomization (especially when compared to the coins packaged in theme decks and the like, although the designs on such coins are awesome). Glass bead damage counters were definately a plus when they were still packaged with the theme decks and I used them for the longest time, but dice simply have them beat when it comes to convenience.
masterryanx said:
StealthAngel667 said:
Damage counters look cool but they block out the whole picture if you have 60+ damage on you, which is a pity.

If blocking out the card art bothers you that much you can always just place your counters next to your Pokemon. ;]

Personally though, I really prefer dice, they're much easier to carry around than counters and coins, and tend to be much more fair when it comes to randomization (especially when compared to the coins packaged in theme decks and the like, although the designs on such coins are awesome). Glass bead damage counters were definately a plus when they were still packaged with the theme decks and I used them for the longest time, but dice simply have them beat when it comes to convenience.

Actually, pip dice aren't that fair...on pipless dice, every side has a 16.666% chance of popping up, but on dice with pips it's 30% for 1, and then the percentages go down as the numbers go up.
I prefer dices, because they are much more convenient and thgey don't wither away like damage counters. :p Plus, I have a container that fits 36 small dices and a 20 sided dice perfectly.
What are pip dice? And at the PR I got to use Masteryyanx's 30 sided (30 right?) die, and that thing rolled like a ball lol. There was a young boy next to me who really need a die, as he had to flip a coin about 5+ times because it kept flying off the table.
Pip dice are normal dice with little holes. Pipless dice, or casino dice I should say, are dice that are made without dice with numbers painted on the dice. About the percentage stuff: it's freaky on pip dice because when you roll a dice, some air will be collected in the pips (holes), weighing the sides down. And the less pips a side has, the lighter it will be, making 1 be the most frequent number coming up. Hope I explained that clearly?
All though I personally prefer dice because I feel that it is much easier for a coin to be disrupted in midair than a dice, a place that hosts tournaments regularly waxes the table, meaning that even a simple roll of a dice sends it flying.
TCC Co-Founder said:
What are pip dice? And at the PR I got to use Masteryyanx's 30 sided (30 right?) die, and that thing rolled like a ball lol. There was a young boy next to me who really need a die, as he had to flip a coin about 5+ times because it kept flying off the table.

Not sure which die you had, maybe it was the 100 sider, that definately rolls like ball. ;P

xXdeathrejectXx said:
Actually, pip dice aren't that fair...on pipless dice, every side has a 16.666% chance of popping up, but on dice with pips it's 30% for 1, and then the percentages go down as the numbers go up.

I wasn't aware of anything like that before, that's an interesting piece of data. Thank you for explaining, but does this mean that between evens and odds on a pip 6 sided die, that one has a higher chance of appearing over the other? But personally, I will continue to roll 6 sided dice for flips as long as they are legal to use. Because really, are the Pokemon coins packaged in theme decks ideal when it's obvious one side is heavier than another?
The official Pokemon dice now, the really cheap cardboard things, are awful. But, I like the glass damage counters WAY better than dice. And a coin is just so much cooler than rolling a die. Unless you can't flip a coin 0_o
Dice are compact and works like a multi-purpose swiss blade. All in one, damage counters, as a coin for flipping and even to throw at someone who cheated against you at a major tournament. But the main reason is to stop the cheating. My friend knows how to cheat with a coin and rolling dice, preferrably, a 20-sided one, you can't cheat with that. Though, I've worked out a way to cheat with the 10-sided ones. So now I'm banned from using them. Sigh...
Dice is more convienent, ever since regionals i never use coins (tails love me) sometimes I also use damage counters.
masterryanx said:
xXdeathrejectXx said:
Actually, pip dice aren't that fair...on pipless dice, every side has a 16.666% chance of popping up, but on dice with pips it's 30% for 1, and then the percentages go down as the numbers go up.

I wasn't aware of anything like that before, that's an interesting piece of data. Thank you for explaining, but does this mean that between evens and odds on a pip 6 sided die, that one has a higher chance of appearing over the other?

Ummm...yeah. That's why when you see people playing Warhammer 40,000 so many serious players use casino dice. Or even more often, they use the same type of dice.