Did it use Teleport or something? (The mystery of Kadabra)

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Team UN (White)
First, I apologize if this is in the wrong spot or even if it shouldn't be a thread, but I have a question or two if you count the first one.

1) How long until this gets locked, :p

2) Why haven't they mad a Kadabra since Base Set 2. They've made Abras and Alakazams, but no Stage one, WHAT!? I've heard rumors about Pokemon getting sewed by Magicians, but I am pretty gullible. Also, it is still in the Video Games, so what happened to this guy?

Some guy claimed Kadabra was stealing from him (sounds weird :p)

This could be asked in the TCG Discussion thread.
1.) 2 Minutes

2.) Long story short, the magician Uri Geller said that Kadabra was a likeness of him because it bends spoons and that is his signature move. He sued Pokemon and lost, but Pokemon is just trying its best to quell any controversy.
Also known as the biggest case of butthurt the world has ever seen.
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