Welcome to Diddy's aka Heiogen's player thread!
MY INFORMATION: My name is Diddy(if your not so bright). And your here to look for some pokemon. So Do jsut that.
My Friend Code: 0688 1743 0411
Contact Time: To negotiate a trade, please post in this thread. Or also Pm me. Anytime is good! =]
POKEMON FOR TRADE====================
1 mew lvl 55
Roserade (lvl 47) Female
Pidgey( lvl 2) male
Eevee eggs( just ask me if you want one, and i make one for you)
Shieldon(lvl 20) male
Feebas( lvl 39) female
Haunter(lvl 36) male
Happiny( lvl 1) female
Anorith( lvl 20) male
Groudon(lv 70)
Rayquaza(lvl 70)
Kyogre(lv 70)
Blaziken(lvl 54) male
Togetic(lvl 42) female
Gardevoir(lvl 56) female
Altaria( lvl 57) female
Manectric( lvl 52) male
Roselia(lvl 54) female
Charizard(lvl 100) male
2X Elekid w/eletririzer[female and male] lex and lonely nature
Manaphy (lvl 30)
Pikachu w/ light ball(lvl 27)
Sukern(lvl 35) female
Sudowoodo(lvl 40) female
Lileep(lvl 20) male
Sceptile(lvl 42) male
Pichu *knows volt tackle* [female]
blazken (lvl 100)
Got all regi's
Feraligater lvl 45
Lucario (lvl 54) nickename [ shinobi ]
Magnezone (lvl 31) [ jolly nature)
Gallade ( lvl 20)
Magikarp (lvl 100)
Dragonite(lvl 70) 10 aniv.
Jirachi(jap. nickname)(lvl 30)[ looks legit]
Golduck(lvl 26) [adamant nature ]
Deoxys (lvl 100)
Empoleon(lvl 90) [nickname Peg]
Kyogre(lvl 100)
Celebi(lvl 13)
Celebi(52)[Gentle nature]
Celebi(lvl 38)[Relaxed nature]
Jirachi(21)[Quiet nature]
Shiny Mightyena(lvl 70)[Gentle nature]{got though GTS}
Shiny Suicune(lvl 100)[Relaxed nature]{got though GTS}
Ho-oh(lvl 89)
Gengar(lvl 100)[bashful nature]♀{got thorgh GTS}
Rampardos(lvl 55)[Timid nature]{got thorhg gts}
Weavile(Lvl 100)(Naive nature)
POKEMON I WANT=======================
Any shiny
Scizor lvl 50 or higher
Shiftry(lvl 100)
Scyter(35 and up)
*Make an offer that would be good*
ITEMS FOR TRADE======================
10X Master Balls
10X Rare candy
2X Miracle seed
2X Magnet
2X Sharp Beak
2X Amulet Coin
Tm No.26 Eathquake
Tm No.30 Shadow Ball
Tm No.50 Overheat
Wise Lens
ITEMS I WANT=========================
â?? Rare Candy
Metal Coat
Pedding Trades===========================
My Friend Code: 0688 1743 0411
Contact Time: To negotiate a trade, please post in this thread. Or also Pm me. Anytime is good! =]
POKEMON FOR TRADE====================
1 mew lvl 55
Roserade (lvl 47) Female
Pidgey( lvl 2) male
Eevee eggs( just ask me if you want one, and i make one for you)
Shieldon(lvl 20) male
Feebas( lvl 39) female
Haunter(lvl 36) male
Happiny( lvl 1) female
Anorith( lvl 20) male
Groudon(lv 70)
Rayquaza(lvl 70)
Kyogre(lv 70)
Blaziken(lvl 54) male
Togetic(lvl 42) female
Gardevoir(lvl 56) female
Altaria( lvl 57) female
Manectric( lvl 52) male
Roselia(lvl 54) female
Charizard(lvl 100) male
2X Elekid w/eletririzer[female and male] lex and lonely nature
Manaphy (lvl 30)
Pikachu w/ light ball(lvl 27)
Sukern(lvl 35) female
Sudowoodo(lvl 40) female
Lileep(lvl 20) male
Sceptile(lvl 42) male
Pichu *knows volt tackle* [female]
blazken (lvl 100)
Got all regi's
Feraligater lvl 45
Lucario (lvl 54) nickename [ shinobi ]
Magnezone (lvl 31) [ jolly nature)
Gallade ( lvl 20)
Magikarp (lvl 100)
Dragonite(lvl 70) 10 aniv.
Jirachi(jap. nickname)(lvl 30)[ looks legit]
Golduck(lvl 26) [adamant nature ]
Deoxys (lvl 100)
Empoleon(lvl 90) [nickname Peg]
Kyogre(lvl 100)
Celebi(lvl 13)
Celebi(52)[Gentle nature]
Celebi(lvl 38)[Relaxed nature]
Jirachi(21)[Quiet nature]
Shiny Mightyena(lvl 70)[Gentle nature]{got though GTS}
Shiny Suicune(lvl 100)[Relaxed nature]{got though GTS}
Ho-oh(lvl 89)
Gengar(lvl 100)[bashful nature]♀{got thorgh GTS}
Rampardos(lvl 55)[Timid nature]{got thorhg gts}
Weavile(Lvl 100)(Naive nature)
POKEMON I WANT=======================
Any shiny
Scizor lvl 50 or higher
Shiftry(lvl 100)
Scyter(35 and up)
*Make an offer that would be good*
ITEMS FOR TRADE======================
10X Master Balls
10X Rare candy
2X Miracle seed
2X Magnet
2X Sharp Beak
2X Amulet Coin
Tm No.26 Eathquake
Tm No.30 Shadow Ball
Tm No.50 Overheat
Wise Lens
ITEMS I WANT=========================
â?? Rare Candy
Metal Coat
Pedding Trades===========================