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Digging Deep With Stronk Energy (Dugtrio / Machamp + Strong Energy)


Aspiring Trainer
Pokemon: 19

  • 4 Diglett
    4 Dugtrio
    3 Machop
    1 Machoke
    3 Machamp
    2 Lucario EX
    1 Jirachi EX
    1 Landorus
Trainers/Supporters/Stadiums: 31

  • 2 Rare Candy
    4 Korrina
    1 Training Center
    1 Fighting Stadium
    1 Energy Switch
    3 Focus Sash
    3 Muscle Band
    1 Elesa
    1 Tool Stripper
    4 Sycamore
    1 Pal pad
    2 Ultra Ball
    1 Startling Megaphone
    1 Professor Letter
    2 Evosoda
    1 Lysandre
    1 Switch
    1 Dowsing Machine
Energy: 10

  • 6 Fighting Energy
    4 Strong Energy


Today, while I was watching my local gameshop held the furious fist pre-release tournament (in Sheffield), I can't help to think how totally badass the strong energy is! I got myself 12 booster packs today and was overwhelmed by the pull rates, especially the trainer cards that i've got. (Pulled Mega Lucario, Draganite Ex and FA Semistoad Ex if anyone wants to know).

Jargons aside, I've thought- hey, i remembered the dugtrio's that i've pulled from the xy booster packs, and the attack, earthquake, for one fighting energy, could do 60 damage. Not bad, eh? (Gallade, anyone?).

60 damage is low by today's pokemon standard. Basically you need to atleast hit 3 turns to get a knock out for an ex pokemon, and also probably 2 hits for a good basic. But, hold that thought for a second. I've mentioned strong energy, right? 60+20 = 80.


Muscle band? Oh yes.

80 + 20 = 100

Now we're talking.

Well, what if you had 3 machamps on your bench?

100 + 60 = 160

Kills most basic and 2nd stage pokemon out there, right? And ofcourse, to hit the magic 180;

Fighting stadium!!

How ridiculous that is, for one fighting energy you could do 180 damage!

I know that it might be hard to set up, but considering the fact that once you've got your dugtrio and strong energy in place, you could do pretty well. With Korrina's help, evosoda's and rare candies, you could set up the machamp in no time and as always, Lucario Ex is needed for back up purposes. Jirachi Ex explains itself and Laundrous ex for recycling back the energies lost from knock outs and sycamore.

What do you guys think? Any suggestions? :)

P:S// Just in case if any of the dugtrio's were meant to be knocked out, there's always focus sash.

Edit: Forgotten to put the name of the pokemon's on the title, sorry!
If you actually playtest this or pretty much any other "stage-2 setup" deck, I think you'll quickly find that getting 3 Machamp on the bench is in itself a challenge. Not to mention somehow also getting Muscle Bands, Fighting Arena, Dugtrio, Strong Energy into play. Maybe you could change the deck strategy a little and shoot for 2HKOs with Dugtrio. Then you can stop the setup at the "Now we're talking" part. (Which btw made me laugh :p) This also gives you more room to thicken your counts on certain cards like- wait Ima stop right there I'll just post the decklist with changes:

Pokemon: 12
4 Diglett
4 Dugtrio
2 Lucario Ex
1 Jirachi Ex
1 Landorus

Trainers/Supporters/Stadiums: 37
4 Korrina
3 Fighting Stadium
4 Muscle Band
4 Sycamore
4 N
2 Bicycle
3 Ultra Ball
1 Sacred Ash
1 Startling Megaphone
1 Professor Letter
3 Hypnotoxic Laser
2 Lysandre
4 Switch
1 Computer Search

Energy: 11
7 Fighting Energy
4 Strong Energy

-Removed Machoke because it was too clunky-Removed Rare Candy because no Machoke-Removed Training Center because Dugtrio is probably going to be one shotted either way-Removed Energy Switch because no energy acceleration is needed-Removed Elesa&Tool Receiver because only Muscle Band is needed-Removed Focus Sash because Lasers can still kill you, and lots of decks play Lasers-Removed Pal Pad because the slot is better served by an actual Supporter-Removed Evosoda because there's already Ultra Ball, Korrina, and Computer Search to find your Pokemon-

-Added more Fighting Stadium, Muscle Band, Lysandre, Switch, Ultra Ball for consistency-Added Computer Search because there are a lot of things to search for-Added 1 more Fighting Energy because it's pretty easy to run out of them-Added Sacred Ash to get Digglet/Dugtrio back instead of Focus Sash saving them-

One last thing:
There are three ways to buff up your Dugtrio: Strong Energy, Muscle Band, and Fighting Stadium. If you miss one of those then you are doing 100. I have added 3 Lasers so when that happens, you will still be able to 1HKO a Pyroar, which is a really big problem sometimes.Feel free to make your own changes to this list and have fun with the deck! :D
Hm. Have you considered Mr. Mime, as he will be able to prevent the Earthquake recoil damage on your bench. It doesn't help too much with consistency, but with all the Landorus EX and whatnot that's gonna be running around, I would think that it would be an excellent choice for the late game.
-1 Elesa; Waste of a Supporter.
-1 Energy Switch; Even if Energy Switch was good in this deck, running a single copy isn't going to do you much good.
-1 Training Center; the Fighting Stadium is what is going to benefit you the most, and I'd say you want at least two to counter opposing Stadiums.
-1 Jirachi EX

+3 N; Consistency!
+1 Fighting Stadium

I'm considering playing something like this myself (along with like three other decks lol). Let me know how testing goes!