Pokémon (12):
Start with Miltank and bench one or two Wooper. Use Crusher Wake to discard Water Energy and search for Moo-Moo Milk and Aqua Patch. Next turn evolve Wooper into Quagsire and accelerate Water Energy to him. Move the energy over to Miltank to enable him to attack faster. Attach Exp. Share to Quagsire or Mantine to conserve resources on the battlefield. With three to four Moo-Moo Milk in hand Miltank will be able to ohko.
Pokémon (12):
- 2 Quagsire SM6a (accelerate)
- 3 Wooper SM6a (evolution)
- 4 Miltank SM8 (beatdown)
- 1 Suicune SM7a (enable)
- 2 Mantine SM8 (enable)
- 3 Crusher Wake (search)
- 3 Sightseer (draw)
- 2 Guzma (control)
- 3 Lillie (draw)
- 3 Hau (draw)
- 4 Moo-Moo Milk (enable)
- 4 Aqua Patch (accelerate)
- 3 Exp. Share (enable)
- 3 Ultra Ball (search)
- 3 Nest Ball (search)
- 3 Shrine of Punishment (beatdown)
- 4 Double Colorless Energy
- 10 Water Energy
Start with Miltank and bench one or two Wooper. Use Crusher Wake to discard Water Energy and search for Moo-Moo Milk and Aqua Patch. Next turn evolve Wooper into Quagsire and accelerate Water Energy to him. Move the energy over to Miltank to enable him to attack faster. Attach Exp. Share to Quagsire or Mantine to conserve resources on the battlefield. With three to four Moo-Moo Milk in hand Miltank will be able to ohko.