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Dino-Blade Tyranitar Prime/Bisharp


Aspiring Trainer
This is a random idea I had about ten minutes ago, hopefully it works.

Pokemon: 19
Larvitar UL 50 x4
Pupitar UL 38 X3
Tyranitar Prime UL 88 x4
Pawniard NV 75 x4
Bisharp NV 76 x4

Trainers: 15
Rare Candy x3
Pokemon Communication x4
Switch x3
Level Ball x3
Junk Arm x2

Supporters: 13
Pokemon Collector x3
Professor Oak’s New Theory x3
Cilan x3
Professor Elm’s Training Method x2
Flower Shop Lady x1
Fisherman x1

Energy: 13
Special Dark x4
Dark x8
Double Colorless x1

The Idea is to get T-tar out T2 or T3 and start spreading damage across the field.
After that, build up two or three Bisharp and once T-tar gets KO'd, or I switch him out, throw out bisharp and do 70 damage every turn.

Potential changes:
-1 Cilan
+1 Interviewer's Questions

-1 Elm's
+1 N

Idea and comments welcome.:)
RE: Dino-Blade

Are you going to use T-tar mainly for spreading? If you are then I'd suggest just using a kyurem. I'm not sure if Bisharp is going to be the best attacker. I'd recommend adding a better attacker. If you are going to stick with these pokemon only, then I'd suggest
-3 level ball (I know it works well with Bisharp but can't get out t-tar in situations where you need him)
-2 PETM (there are better cards out there)
-3 Cilan (getting out energies won't be a problem
-1-1-1 T-tar
-1 switch

+1 Collector (consistency)
+2 Junk arm (needed and useful)
+2 Sage's
+3 Twins
+ 1 Jirachi (good for t-tar's spreading)
+1 or 2 psychic

I would also try to fit in Catcher which is almost definitely needed in any deck besides the Truth and more drawing power. Hope I helped :D
RE: Dino-Blade

Jirachi said:
Are you going to use T-tar mainly for spreading? If you are then I'd suggest just using a kyurem. I'm not sure if Bisharp is going to be the best attacker. I'd recommend adding a better attacker. If you are going to stick with these pokemon only, then I'd suggest
-3 level ball (I know it works well with Bisharp but can't get out t-tar in situations where you need him)
-2 PETM (there are better cards out there)
-3 Cilan (getting out energies won't be a problem
-1-1-1 T-tar
-1 switch

+1 Collector (consistency)
+2 Junk arm (needed and useful)
+2 Sage's
+3 Twins
+ 1 Jirachi (good for t-tar's spreading)
+1 or 2 psychic

I would also try to fit in Catcher which is almost definitely needed in any deck besides the Truth and more drawing power. Hope I helped :D

I don't like the kyurem idea simply because I've seen that deck, and it's too slow. Jirachi...hmm, I don'tt know, I mean, I want to hit as much as I can to help Bisharp kill the big basics and he's kinda useless against them.

My friend gave me some ideas on what to do with this deck, so what do you think about this:

2 Heavy ball
Only 1 Cilan
-1 DCE
-4 dark (I took two out)
3 rocky helmets
2 junk arm
-1 fisherman
-1-1-1 t-tar
-2/3 Pokemon Communication
1-1 B&W Zoroark
2 twins
RE: Dino-Blade

How is kyurem slower than tyrannizer prime? Just wondering. I think its a better spreading card if thats all you are going to use tyrannizer for. And it doesn't hit your own bench like T-tar does.
RE: Dino-Blade

Because kyurem needs water energy, and t-tar only needs on dark, and he can be set up in to turns if you play him right. Trust me, I've seen kyurem/Bisharp, it's too slow. And t-tar won't hit my bench because I will only have darks on the bench.
RE: Dino-Blade

Kyurem is much faster than Tyranitar. With its Ability to instantly accelerate with Electrode, you'll easily be able to hit the T2 spread. Tyranitar forces you to have to play the Rare Candy for a fast setup, which limits its speed. For Kyurem/Bisharp? Never tested it, but I'd imagine that it isn't too slow.

Emopanda133 said:
And t-tar won't hit my bench because I will only have darks on the bench.

Larvitar needs some love too ;[
RE: Dino-Blade

Please update your title to include the names of your main Pokémon. Thanks.
RE: Dino-Blade

Futachimaru said:
Kyurem is much faster than Tyranitar. With its Ability to instantly accelerate with Electrode, you'll easily be able to hit the T2 spread. Tyranitar forces you to have to play the Rare Candy for a fast setup, which limits its speed. For Kyurem/Bisharp? Never tested it, but I'd imagine that it isn't too slow.

Larvitar needs some love too ;[

There won't be a larvitar on my bench long enough to get hurt before it's a t-tar.

And the deck is slow, never ran it, but kyurem for some reason slows it down quite a bit.
I'm a T-Tar veteran, and I can tell you 3 cards that are perrrrfect with him:
1. Max Potion.
One Energy to spread + 160 HP means you can heal up 150 HP with 1 item without slowing your spread.
2. Unown DARK.
By far the best pairing with T-Tar. You can lower your Energy Count for better consistency getting T-Tar out by playing 1-2 of these, enabling you a searchable special dark whenever you need it. Pair with Seeker to lose the only downside of having it get KO'd
3. Max lines of Rare Candy, Communication and Collector.
Guaranteeing a T2 Darkness Howl is the best thing you can do. I'd suggest a 4-2-4 T-Tar line as well

Also, the look on your opponent's face when you Max Potion 2+ turns in a row while also darkness howling is priceless :D
RogueListers said:
I'm a T-Tar veteran, and I can tell you 3 cards that are perrrrfect with him:
1. Max Potion.
One Energy to spread + 160 HP means you can heal up 150 HP with 1 item without slowing your spread.
2. Unown DARK.
By far the best pairing with T-Tar. You can lower your Energy Count for better consistency getting T-Tar out by playing 1-2 of these, enabling you a searchable special dark whenever you need it. Pair with Seeker to lose the only downside of having it get KO'd
3. Max lines of Rare Candy, Communication and Collector.
Guaranteeing a T2 Darkness Howl is the best thing you can do. I'd suggest a 4-2-4 T-Tar line as well

Also, the look on your opponent's face when you Max Potion 2+ turns in a row while also darkness howling is priceless :D

I built this deck on playtcg, and I'll get a turn two t-tar with at least two Bisharp every time, it's amazing.x)

Futachimaru said:
Larvitar needs some love too ;[

I am sorry sir, I underestimated larvitar, he stayed alive againgst a Zekrom EX to let me switch to Bisharp for a finishing blow ko for the win.:)
Emopanda133 said:
I built this deck on playtcg, and I'll get a turn two t-tar with at least two Bisharp every time, it's amazing.x)

I am sorry sir, I underestimated larvitar, he stayed alive againgst a Zekrom EX to let me switch to Bisharp for a finishing blow ko for the win.:)

Futachimaru isn't a sir. :p
If you use T-tar only for spreading, kyurem would work better, but if you use t-tar for its other attacks as well, then I'd use t-tar.
Jirachi said:
If you use T-tar only for spreading, kyurem would work better, but if you use t-tar for its other attacks as well, then I'd use t-tar.

Why do people say this? 1 Energy Cost is muuuch better than 3, not to mention better HP. You lose the 10 extra HP/Turn but it's honestly not that big of a deal because you can guarantee a stream of T-Tars with a consistent enough list, whereas you just have to hope and pray with KyuremGatr/Cake

A good way to think about damage output is this:
T-Tar with full opponent bench: {D} for 120
Kyurem with full opponent bench: {W}{W}{C} for 180

so for each energy, Kyurem does 60 while T-Tar does 120. With just 3 turns of spreading you can take out 2 EX's with DCL
There has been a few games were I did use Ttar for more than spreading, and won because of it, and he can't be OHKO'd by any EX's. Terrakion is kind of a problem, but if I can hit it with power claw, then Bisharp can take it out. Like I said before, kyurem/Bisharp is slow, with my deck, even if it takes me three turns to get Ttar out, he will still last longer than kyurem.
Well, T-tar is also a stage 2. I'd use t-tar if you use some of its other attacks as well. I'm not sure if bisharp can be the best attacker in this deck though.
Jirachi said:
Well, T-tar is also a stage 2. I'd use t-tar if you use some of its other attacks as well. I'm not sure if bisharp can be the best attacker in this deck though.

If I have to, I will, but I like him better for spreading. And Bisharp is actually a great attacker, I have won a few games using Bisharp alone, and it seemed to work fine.