Ruling Disable/Amnesia on Hidden Power question

Black Winged Gengar

Apocalyptic Phantom
Alright, say a Wooper uses Amnesia on Unkown "M's" Hidden Power attack. I know that even if my opponent uses Shuffle to get another Uknown "M" (Same Pokemon but different physical card), it is still unable to use that Hidden Power because the Shuffle keeps all effects. But say that my oppoent decides to get an Uknown "Y". Would he be able to use that Hidden Power or not? Same exact attack name but it has completely different effects. Amnesia is still taking effect on the Unkown, I was just wondering if it would be considered the same attack.

Thanks in advance! ^^
Well I think it would as it says in the shuffle ability all effects go onto the new unknown but I'm not enetierly sure.
Well, Amnesia affects the attack in question. If you had a Mew EX and it had Power Move disabled, it couldn't copy the Power Move of another Mew EX 'cause it's the same move. Essentailly, Disable removes that attack from play temporarily. Likewise, though it's impossible, if some Pokémon had 2 Slash attacks with different damage, neither would be able to be used becuase they had the same name. And I have no idea whether I answered your question or not.
No, that's not quite right.

WotC Compendium said:
* If a Pokemon has copies of other Pokemon's attacks on it (such as Sabrina's Alakazam), it will NOT have multiple copies of identical attacks. This means that is Sabrina's Alakazam was your Active Pokemon and you had a Mind Shock attack that does 30 damage and a Mind Shock attack that does 40 damage on the bench, you would gain a copy of each of those attacks as they are NOT identical (the amount of damage done is different). Different attacks can have the same name. An attack is considered identical if it has the same attack cost, name, and does identical damage and effects. If Amnesia ("Choose 1 of your opponent's attacks, that attack cannot be used next turn") is done against the Sabrina's Alakazam in this example, the attacker would have to choose the Mind Shock that does 30 damage or the Mind Shock that does 40 damage, NOT just "Mind Shock". (Feb 14, 2002 WotC Chat, Q18)

Therefore, if Unown M's Hidden Power is Disabled/Amnesia'd, and another Unown is Shuffled into play, you would be able to use that Hidden Power unless another Unown M was brought into play, since all Hidden Power attacks are different.

For m0nster1nc's example, the quote above explains it all. You can't choose "Slash", but one of the copies of "Slash" in play. If a Slash attack did 40 damage and another one did 50, you would need to pick a Slash attack to disable.

However, if you disabled Power Move on Mew ex, then Mew ex would not be able to copy another Power Move because the attack is identical to the one disabled.

So, in summation:

Unown CAN use Hidden Power as long as it doesn't have the same effect as the one disabled,

Two attacks with the same name are not disabled simultaneously, and

if an attack is disabled, all other EXACT copies of that attack (attack cost, name, damage and effects) are disabled as well.

Hope this clears things up.