• Please read THIS THREAD if you are a new trader/seller.

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DIZZtheWHIZZ's Trades! :D


Not a Rookie
United States

1. Pokebeach rules apply
2. I live in US, and will only trade in the US. Sorry for any inconvenience.
3. Don't rip.
4. I trade mint, and I expect mint.

Palkia Lv. X (Pack; will trade my tin + more for it)
RH Roseanne's Research x3 (High Want)
RH Rare Candies GE x4 (High Want)
Any other RH Staple Trainers/Supporters (Med. Want)
Broken Time Space RH x3
Mewtwo MD x1 (Med. Want)
Uxies and Claydols are always nice

Updated 9-15-09

Haves (Notables)
Absol G Lv. X
Honchkrow Lv. X
Mewtwo Lv. X (Tin)
Garchomp C Lv. X (Tin)
Palkia Lv. X (Tin)
3-1 Palkia G Lv. X (all RH)
Mesprit LA x4 (all RH)
Azelf MT x1 (RH)
Bronzong G PT x1 (RH)
Pachirisu GE x1 (RH)
Promocroak G (Depends on the trade)
Metagross SV x4 (2RH)
Relicanth SV x3
Exploud SV
Primeape SV
Dusknoir FB SV
Yanmega SV x2
Shedinja SV (RH)
Kingdra LA x4 (2 RH)
Prerelease PT Lucario
Prerelease RR Tropius
Prerelease SV Milotic
Blaziken PT x2
Arcanine RR x3 (1RH)
Mismagius GL x1
Froslass GL x2 (1RH)
Gallade 4 x4
Rampardos GL x1 (RH)
Togekiss GE x1
Ampharos PT x2 (RH)
Weavile G PT x4 (1RH)
Sceptile GE x2
Blissey MT x1
Bronzong MD x3
Ditto LA x1
Magnezone DP x1
Multi Energy x1 (2 MT, 1 RH; 2 F/G, 1 Holo, slightly damaged)

Happy Trading!
Was Copying and Pasting really that hard? Anyway, yes it was a problem and I did it for you. Approved.

CML (Check My List) for your

Metagross x2 SV (RH)
Mespirit LA x4 (RH)
Kindra LA x4 (2x RH)
Togekiss GE x1

http://www.pokebeach.com/forums/showthread.php?tid=45685 (Trade Thread)
I really don't have any of your wants but would you be willing trade your Absol G LV X for my Dusknoir LV X and Dusknoir #1 SF?
Didn't see anything for those. I need to edit my list. I forgot I've traded my Togekiss. Sorry. :(

I did see the 2 RH Abomasnow. I also saw that you wanted SV Metagross. So you would you do...
My: 2 Metagross SV
Your: Abomasnow RH x2

Hey, I am interested in these:

Mesprit LA x4 (all RH)
Azelf MT x1 (RH)
Promocroak G
Kingdra LA x4 (2 RH)
Roseanne's Research x1

CML and PM me if you want to trade.

DIZZtheWHIZZ said:
Didn't see anything for those. I need to edit my list. I forgot I've traded my Togekiss. Sorry. :(

I did see the 2 RH Abomasnow. I also saw that you wanted SV Metagross. So you would you do...
My: 2 Metagross SV
Your: Abomasnow RH x2

Hm, I'm not too desperate for the Metagross, so maybe some other time. Thanks, though!
hi, please CML for

1-1 Absol G Lv. X (all RH)
Honchkrow Lv. X x1
Palkia Lv. X (Tin)
3-1 Palkia G Lv. X (all RH)

Palkia (Pack)


Any interest in -

GE Palkia (Pack)

Palkia (Promo)
2 GE Sceptiles

Please PM me if you want to discuss...

Thank you.

- Hypno68
2x Claydol GE

3x Palkia G
1x Palkia G Lv.X
4x Mesprit RH
1x PromoCroak G.

LMK or counter. My thread is in m sig. Thanks.