Wi-Fi Trades DJ Homeless's "My Player Thread" Temporarily closed to tie up some loose ends in-game...

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Darkrai's Advocate
Please note that I do not have any cheats/hacks on offer.
Getting all of these shinies took a lot of time and a lot of effort, both in chaining AND trading.
As such I naturally won't accept any cheats in return.
Pokémon aren't UT unless shown to be.
Finally: If you want to trade me an EV'd or LV100 Pokémon, I won't accept it unless it has an effort ribbon on it!
The maximum Lv on a pokémon without EV's or no specific training I will accept is 90.

Shiny Pokémon on offer:

Growlithe (Naive/LV2/UT)
Scizor (Relaxed/LV25)
Scyther (Bold/LV19/UT)
Wooper (Rash/LV26/UT)
Quagsire (Calm/LV29/UT)
Gyarados (Quiet/LV54/UT/Not from Lake of Rage)
Bibarel (Jolly/LV26/UT)
Altaria (Impish/LV60)
Noctowl (Brave/LV30)
Floatzel (Lax/LV48)
Garchomp (Docile/LV62)
Ditto (Naughty/LV27)
Nosepass (Timid/LV18/UT)
Vaporeon (Adamant/LV5)
Flareon (Impish/LV5)
Mothim (Jolly/LV50)
Delibird (Careful/LV42)
Bronzong (Sassy/LV37/UT)
Omanyte (Jolly/LV24/Only touched by day-care, so no ev's)
Cradily (Quiet/LV71)
Golbat (Gentle/LV33/UT)
Abra (Naive/LV4/UT)

Shinies that will take a somewhat better offer :

Lucario (Naive/LV87)
Giratina (Naughty/LV87)
Latias (Jolly/LV50/UT/29 speed iv's)
Umbreon (Quirky/LV11)
Ralts (Rash/LV17/UT)
Roserade (Quiet/LV21/UT)
Snorunt (Quirky/LV33/UT)
Wooper (Brave/LV28)
Tangela (Docile/LV29/UT)
Jolteon (Modest/LV47)

Events on offer:

SMR2010 Jirachi (2x Gentle/Both UT)
Birthday Chimchar UT
Saikyou Salamence UT

EV'd Pokémon
Snorlax, spread: 255/255/0/0/0/0, LV70/Moveset: Belly Drum/Body Slam/Hyper Beam/Selfdestruct

EV Training:
I currently accept EV training tasks too, at a price of course, just tell me how the EV-spread should be in this order, and if there are any EV's current.

"(randomname) says:
Hi! I'd like you to EV-train my (Pokémon) this spread:
It's got these EV's already:
(Repeat spread)
I can offer you this: (offer).
Thanks in advance!"

I can't boost my credibility any further than to say that I won't scam another person whatsoever, which might be easy from behind my computer, but you'll have to give me the benefit of the doubt.
Should you contact the people I've traded with in the past, they'll probably tell you I'm an honest trader too, so...
I'm not as often on the forum as people might wish, but when I finish EV-training for someone I'll check whenever I can to see whether they're online or not and if so: I'll pm!
That's about as much as I can say really.

Regular Pokémon on offer:

Blaziken (Relaxed/LV100) Not EV'd
Heatran (Sassy/LV100) Not EV'd
Dialga (Serious/LV100) Not EV'd
Torterra x2 (Docile/LV100 or Careful/LV63) Not EV'd
Moltres(Hasty/LV100) Not EV'd
Zapdos (Impish/LV100) Not EV'd
Leafeon (Naive/LV53)
Azelf (Impish/LV50/UT)
Glaceon (Adamant/LV58)
Electivire (Jolly/LV68)
Empoleon (Naughty/LV87)
Venusaur (Docile/LV35)
Charizard (Bashful/LV40)
Garchomp (Modest/Lv49)
Luxray (Calm/LV78/Pokérus)
Mewtwo (Impish/LV100/Pokérus) Not EV'd
Politoed (Naive/LV88)
Yanma (Jolly/LV100) Not EV'd
Wobbuffet (Jolly/LV61/Pokérus)
Raikou (Docile/LV100) Not EV'd
Entei (Quiet/LV52)
Suicune (Hasty/LV100) Not EV'd
Regigigas (Mild/LV100) Not EV'd
Lugia x2 (Hasty/LV79 or Hasty/LV70/UT)
Flygon (Bashful/LV45)
Articuno (Quirky/LV100) Not EV'd
Cresselia (Rash/LV100) Not EV'd

From Pokémon XD: Gale of Darkness

The Pokémon that have EV's on them already can be swept clean again with the right berries (not by me though) so no worries :p
Also, most have a National Ribbon on them, as supposed.

Lugia LV50 Under 10 EV's, but a bit trained, Serious/Moveset: Psycho Boost/Featherdance/Earthquake/Hydro Pump
Articuno LV50 UT/Hasty/Moveset: Extrasensory/Heal Bell/Haze/Ice Beam
Zapdos LV50 UT/Gentle/Moveset: Extrasensory/Metal Sound/Baton Pass/Thunderbolt
Moltres LV50/6 Sp. Def. EV's/Quirky/Moveset: Will-o-Wisp/Extrasensory/Morning Sun/Flamethrower
Cyndaquil LV5 UT/Quiet/Moveset: Tackle/Leer/Reversal/Blast Burn

Paras LV28 UT/Naughty/Moveset: Spore/Refresh/Slash/False Swipe
Ralts LV20 UT/Relaxed/Moveset: Shock Wave/Sing/Reflect/Confusion
Weepinbell LV32 UT/Mild/Moveset: Magical Leaf/Morning Sun/Sludge Bomb/Sweet Scent
Dusclops LV43 (NN: Caspa) Unsure about EV spread, Brave/Moveset: Shadow Punch/Helping Hand/Pursuit/Confuse Ray
Snorlax LV46 (NN: Paresse) Just a few EV's, don't know which, Naughty/Moveset: Fissure/Body Slam/Belly Drum/Selfdestruct
Pupitar LV46 Unsure about EV spread, Adamant/Moveset: Rock Slide/Trash/Outrage/Dragon Dance
Houndoom LV46 (NN: Banzai) Unsure about EV spread, Quiet/Moveset: Faint Attack/Ember/Fire Blast/Smog
Salamence LV50 (NN: Ladon) Just a few EV's, don't know which, Lonely/Moveset: Dragon Dance/Brick Break/Aerial Ace/Refresh
Mightyena LV25 (NN: Shenzi) Unsure about EV spread, Lonely/Moveset: Poison Fang/Dig/Bite/Howl
Sableye LV33 Just like 2 EV's or something on it, Hardy/Moveset: Recover/Shadow Ball/Faint Attack/Helping Hand
Snorunt LV22 Just a few EV's, Bashful/Moveset: Sing/Bite/Icy Wind/Water Pulse
Growlithe LV28 UT/Hardy/Moveset: Flamethrower/Charm/Bite/Take Down
Kangaskhan LV35 UT/Adamant/Moveset: Sing/Tail Whip/Dizzy Punch/Earthquake
Seedot LV17 Under 5 EV's, Adamant/Moveset: Giga Drain/Refresh/Bullet Seed/Secret Power
Magmar LV36 UT/Modest/Moveset: Fire Blast/Follow Me/Thunderpunch/Cross Chop
Spearow LV22 UT/Lonely/Moveset: False Swipe/Baton Pass/Leer/Aerial Ace
Pidgeotto LV30 UT/Hasty/Moveset: Steel Wing/Wing Attack/Refresh/Featherdance
Dodrio LV34 UT/Timid/Moveset: Drill Peck/Baton Pass/Agility/Tri Attack
Nosepass LV26 UT/Quirky/Moveset: Thunderbolt/Helping Hand/Thunder Wave/Rock Slide
Hypno LV34 UT/Naughty/Moveset: Psychic/Baton Pass/Meditate/Shadow Ball
Venomoth LV32 UT/Careful/Moveset: Silver Wind/Refresh/Substitute/Psychic
Primeape LV34 UT/Impish/Moveset: Cross Chop/Helping Hand/Focus Energy/Reversal
Swinub LV22 UT/Hardy/Moveset: Ancientpower/Charm/Mist/Mud Shot
Carvanha LV15 UT/Calm/Moveset: Water Pulse/Refresh/Scary Face/Bite
Raticate LV34 UT/Adamant/Moveset: Super Fang/Refresh/Scary Face/Hyper Fang
Shroomish LV15 UT/Calm/Moveset: False Swipe/Refresh/Mega Drain/Stun Spore
Numel LV14 Under 10 EV's Adamant/Moveset: Take Down/Charm/Dig/Ember
Ledyba LV11 Under 10 EV's Timid/Moveset: Psybeam/Refresh/Aerial Ace/Supersonic
Marowak LV44 UT/Lax/Moveset: Earthquake/Sing/Swords Dance/Rock Slide
Mareep LV17 UT/Hardy/Moveset: Body Slam/Heal Bell/Thundershock/Thunder Wave
Manectric LV44 UT/Naive/Moveset: Thunder/Refresh/Rain Dance/Bite
Dugtrio LV40 UT/Bold/Moveset: Earthquake/Charm/Sandstorm/Tri Attack
Chansey LV39 UT/Impish/Moveset: Thunderbolt/Sweet Kiss/Softboiled/Skill Swap
Farfetch'd LV36 UT/Lonely/Moveset: Slash/Baton Pass/Swords Dance/Aerial Ace
Tangela LV30 UT/Calm/Moveset: Solarbeam/Morning Sun/Sunny Day/Ingrain
Beedrill LV30 UT/Naughty/Moveset: Sludge Bomb/Baton Pass/Twineedle/Swords Dance
Magneton LV30 UT/Lax/Moveset: Double-Edge/Refresh/Rain Dance/Thunder
Rhydon LV46 UT/Bashful/Moveset: Megahorn/Helping Hand/Scary Face/Earthquake
Tauros LV46 UT/Impish/Moveset: Earthquake/Refresh/Tail Whip/Body Slam
Voltorb LV19 UT/Hasty/Moveset: Mirror Coat/Refresh/Spark/Swift
Exeggutor LV46 UT/Bashful/Moveset: Psychic/Refresh/Hypnosis/Ancientpower
Dragonite LV55 UT/Lonely/Moveset: Heal Bell/Dragon Dance/Earthquake/Hyper Beam

More are to follow!

Pokéwalker Pokémon
All up to Resort, including Edge Night's Sky, Beyond The Sea and Winner's Path
Pokémon that stand out include:
Mime Jr.
Octillerey (Beam Moveset)
Bronzor (With Trick Room)
Magikarp (With Bounce)
Duskull (With Imprison)
Horsea (With Muddy Water)
Beldum (With Zen Headbutt, Iron Head and Iron Defence)
Munchlax (With Selfdestruct, will only take "regular+" offers as it's a semi-exclusive event)

I can breed any Pokémon including any starters, dratinis, larvitars, bagons, beldums, gibles, kangaskhans, fossil pokémon, kecleons, tyrogues, eevees, and loads more!
And if you need anything that's gettable in-game in diamond, platinum or soulsilver : ask and I'll see what I can do!

Wish List:

Deoxys from Pokémon ranger 3 with neutral nature, still knowing meteor mash
Shiny Mudkip or Shiny Marshtomp or Shiny Swampert with atk. nature
Shiny Vulpix/Ninetales @ neutral nature
Pikachu from Yellow Forest x2, both @ neutral natures, 1 @ Surf, 1 @ Fly

Regular Wants

Any offer from people who offer something not on my wish list or wants, but still interesting me with it.

Item Wants:
Soul Dew
Jaboca Berry

Merci d'avance.

SS FC: 2837 3184 5063

Trade log for this forum:
Alvin and the Minezumis: My Dialga*&Giratina* - His Crown Entei&Crown Suicune
bloomcool13: His crown Suicune, crown Raikou, Charizard* & Alamos Darkrai - My Zapdos*, Articuno*, Mamoswine* & Palkia*
bloomcool13: His vgc09 milotic, mareep* & latias* - My houndoom*, scyther* & vgc10 eevee
Guy89: My Rayquaza* - His Groudon*
ShineVini: My Moltres* & Good IV'd SMR2010 Jirachi - His Saikyou Salamence & PC Nagoya Chimchar
RE: DJ Homeless's "My Player" thread, with loads of legit shinies on offer!

I have a shiny UT mewtwo,groudoun, and raikou(japanese) that I would trade for your UT shiny zapadps,palkia,and dialga!
RE: DJ Homeless's "My Player" thread, with loads of legit shinies on offer!

Would you kindly post their natures too?
RE: DJ Homeless's "My Player" thread, with loads of legit shinies on offer!

What would you like for a female snorunt? or froslass? (preferably snorunt)
RE: DJ Homeless's "My Player" thread, with loads of legit shinies on offer!

Would you kindly offer me something?
RE: DJ Homeless's "My Player" thread, with loads of legit shinies on offer!

uhm.... i dont really have a lot of good things... the snorunt doesnt have to be shiny...
RE: DJ Homeless's "My Player" thread, with loads of legit shinies on offer!

Could I trade you a shiny Shelgon or Machamp for your shiny Growlithe.
RE: DJ Homeless's "My Player" thread, with loads of legit shinies on offer!

DJHomeless8 said:
Would you kindly post their natures too?

Yea no probs the raikou is rash and i think the mewtwo is mild lemme double check!
RE: DJ Homeless's "My Player" thread, with loads of legit shinies on offer!

eminentfate said:
Could I trade you a shiny Shelgon or Machamp for your shiny Growlithe.

Would you also post their natures with that:p?

Blastoisefolife said:
Yea no probs the raikou is rash and i think the mewtwo is mild lemme double check!

Then it's OK, I'd say pick two of your choices and let's set a date or something:p preferably today.

By the way did you also have groudon's nature posted?
RE: DJ Homeless's "My Player" thread, with loads of legit shinies on offer!

I have a purple shiny murkrow but I am gonna need something that interests me in return and want A a legendary or B that shiny houndoom.
RE: DJ Homeless's "My Player" thread, with loads of legit shinies on offer!

DJHomeless8 said:
Would you also post their natures with that:p?

Blastoisefolife said:
Yea no probs the raikou is rash and i think the mewtwo is mild lemme double check!

Then it's OK, I'd say pick two of your choices and let's set a date or something:p preferably today.

By the way did you also have groudon's nature posted?

Shelgon is adament, and Machamp is Gentle
RE: DJ Homeless's "My Player" thread, with loads of legit shinies on offer!

Castformfan said:
I have a purple shiny murkrow but I am gonna need something that interests me in return and want A a legendary or B that shiny houndoom.

Would you kindly post murkrow's nature too?

eminentfate said:
Then it's OK, I'd say pick two of your choices and let's set a date or something:p preferably today.

By the way did you also have groudon's nature posted?

Shelgon is adament, and Machamp is Gentle

Pick your growlithe I'd say
RE: DJ Homeless's "My Player" thread, with loads of legit shinies on offer!

Hey mate, ill trade you a shiny Mightyana for a Shiny Ditto!
I can clone it for you and give it back if you want??
RE: DJ Homeless's "My Player" thread, with loads of legit shinies on offer!

DJHomeless8 said:
Would you kindly post murkrow's nature too?

eminentfate said:
Then it's OK, I'd say pick two of your choices and let's set a date or something:p preferably today.

By the way did you also have groudon's nature posted?

Shelgon is adament, and Machamp is Gentle

Pick your growlithe I'd say

What do you mean?
RE: DJ Homeless's "My Player" thread, with loads of legit shinies on offer!

eminentfate said:
Shelgon is adament, and Machamp is Gentle

Pick your growlithe I'd say

What do you mean?

It means I have 3 growlithes on offer, pick one:p

ruggercaz said:
Hey mate, ill trade you a shiny Mightyana for a Shiny Ditto!
I can clone it for you and give it back if you want??

Can you post me your Mightyena's nature?
RE: DJ Homeless's "My Player" thread, with loads of legit shinies on offer!

serious,and Im gonna need to have it cloned,I can't clone stuff myself.
RE: DJ Homeless's "My Player" thread, with loads of legit shinies on offer!

Well then you'll have to explain me how to on d/pt/ss or it's a no-go as I don't know how to:(
RE: DJ Homeless's "My Player" thread, with loads of legit shinies on offer!

Ill get someone else to clone but is an UT shiny murkrow enough for a giratina(shiny)?
RE: DJ Homeless's "My Player" thread, with loads of legit shinies on offer!

DJHomeless8 said:
Pick your growlithe I'd say

What do you mean?

It means I have 3 growlithes on offer, pick one:p

ruggercaz said:
Hey mate, ill trade you a shiny Mightyana for a Shiny Ditto!
I can clone it for you and give it back if you want??

Can you post me your Mightyena's nature?

Serious or quirky works. Whih one do you want, Shelgon or Mahamp?
RE: DJ Homeless's "My Player" thread, with loads of legit shinies on offer!

eminentfate said:
What do you mean?

It means I have 3 growlithes on offer, pick one:p

ruggercaz said:
Hey mate, ill trade you a shiny Mightyana for a Shiny Ditto!
I can clone it for you and give it back if you want??

Can you post me your Mightyena's nature?

Serious or quirky works. Whih one do you want, Shelgon or Mahamp?

The Shelgon please.

Castformfan said:
Ill get someone else to clone but is an UT shiny murkrow enough for a giratina(shiny)?

I find it not just yet, but if you still want that houndoom that's okay.
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