Friend Code: 3523-2057-7150
Friend Safari: Electric; Helioptile, Electrode, and Manectric
Time Zone: MST
Times Available: Usually on at night, but it honestly varies a lot for me. We may need to set up a specific time to trade.
In-Game Name for X: Serena
In-Game Name for Y: Matt
These are the 4 31 IV Pokemon I have for trade at the moment. The IVs will be listed in order of HP/ATK/DEF/SPATK/SPDEF/SPD. I consider anything that has low speed as a 4 IV Pokemon.
None at the moment.
These are 5 31 IV Pokemon I can trade for other 5 31 IV Pokemon:
None at the moment.
Ask for anything else that you don't want good IVs for because I have some couple miscellaneous Pokemon but too many to list all out. I may need to breed them if you don't want a Nickname or if you want an UT one but I can do that. For these trades, it might take me a little longer to trade. My X has the more stuff on it. Obviously have no Shinies/Legends for trade right now.
Services Offered:
Can Breed all available Starter Pokemon right now:
Gen 1-Gen 5
Have HA Treecko, Mudkip, Turtwig, Chimchar, Piplup
Ask for any other non-starters and I may be able to do it.
I can also spread Pokerus to some junk Pokemon I got from Wonder Trade if you might need it.
Depending on the Pokemon, I can easily breed Male/Female 4 IV Pokemon. Some I can breed 5 IV but most I can't.
-None atm
dmaster out.
Friend Safari: Electric; Helioptile, Electrode, and Manectric
Time Zone: MST
Times Available: Usually on at night, but it honestly varies a lot for me. We may need to set up a specific time to trade.
In-Game Name for X: Serena
In-Game Name for Y: Matt
These are the 4 31 IV Pokemon I have for trade at the moment. The IVs will be listed in order of HP/ATK/DEF/SPATK/SPDEF/SPD. I consider anything that has low speed as a 4 IV Pokemon.
None at the moment.
These are 5 31 IV Pokemon I can trade for other 5 31 IV Pokemon:
None at the moment.
Ask for anything else that you don't want good IVs for because I have some couple miscellaneous Pokemon but too many to list all out. I may need to breed them if you don't want a Nickname or if you want an UT one but I can do that. For these trades, it might take me a little longer to trade. My X has the more stuff on it. Obviously have no Shinies/Legends for trade right now.
Services Offered:
Can Breed all available Starter Pokemon right now:
Gen 1-Gen 5
Have HA Treecko, Mudkip, Turtwig, Chimchar, Piplup
Ask for any other non-starters and I may be able to do it.
I can also spread Pokerus to some junk Pokemon I got from Wonder Trade if you might need it.
Depending on the Pokemon, I can easily breed Male/Female 4 IV Pokemon. Some I can breed 5 IV but most I can't.
-None atm
dmaster out.