Discussion Do we still pray with the mantis?


Aspiring Trainer
What happened to Lurantis being so hyped in the standard format? Did volcanion scare it away or is decidueye just the better option? I believe that vilelume is a great pair with it, however solgaleo and other options can make the card very aggressive. It goes over looked in this format. Please discuss.
It was mostly that Volcanion scared it away. It is a very good card but its fire weakness isn't doing it any favors. I think it will be a great partner for Vikavolt-GX as well as any energy-reliant deck in the future. Forest of Giant Plants may be rotating soon, but I don't see it as that big of a hurdle to Lurantis' success (Decidueye will take a beating though).
Lurantis was never really good in standard but it did see some moderate success in expanded thanks to battle compressor. Standard is still pretty good but lacking a little partner wise tapu bulu gx maybe will help bring some power to the deck but the "discard all energy" part of tapu bulu's attack combined with a 3 retreat cost makes the decks viability skeptical