BW/BW2 Do you care about good IVs for in-game purposes?


Aspiring Trainer
Back in the day, when I was a noob and played the 3rd gen games (with ROMs) I didn't understand anything or care about Natures and IVs, I just caught the pokémon and was happy. Nowadays, I care and maybe too much, I'd say.
I'm currently playing Black and everytime I need to catch a pokémon that I planned to have on my team, I get a synchronizer, open an IV calculator and try to catch the best I can.
Thing is, I'm getting really frustrated. A lot of times, I don't get the nature I want (even with synchronize) and when I get, usually it has bad IVs. I don't even get happy with above average IVs. Just a few hours ago, I was trying to catch a Klink. I got one Adamant with pretty good IVs in defenses (about 26-29 to each), pretty decent speed but then, guess what? 31 Ivs in Sp.Atk and 3 IVs in Attack!
This is so freakin' frustrating I just wanted to throw my DS against the wall (especially since, as some have probably already noticed, I get easily angried). The worst thing about this is this is just for an in-game team and I wonder If I should really care that much about it. I also know that part of this is because of the RNG of the games. Couldn't they have at least made Synchronize had 100% effect? I know some people might say "that would make things too easy", but I prefer things to be easier than stupidly annoying. I like to play the games for fun, not to stress myself all the time.

So, with all this, I wanted to ask you guys if you also care about having good natured and IVed pokémon even if it's just to use in-game, if you also find this annoying or if I just shouldn't worry so much about it?
RE: Do you care about good IVs care for in-game purposes?

For game play, I don't care about IVs/EVs/Nature. I just play the game for fun. Then, after I have completed the game, I get down to business and worry about all that stuff. Calm down and play the game through. After all, these games are made to make you have fun :)
RE: Do you care about good IVs care for in-game purposes?

In-Game, I could care less about many of the competitive game play strategies.
I usually just the pokemon that I catch, but sometimes I'd catch a couple of the same type and just choose the best
Nothing too serious though :l
In-Game is easy enough anyway with out having to worry about IVs and natures etc
Except for something on the Battle Subway, I have never, ever worried about the status of my "team". I took my fire starter, I pitted it against every Trainer alive, and I was happy, powerful, and done (the only exception to this is XD, and that's because Eevee and any of the Shadow Pokemon they give you first just aren't great to me). So I'm not really qualified to speak on the topic of making an in-game team, but I definitely wouldn't worry about it. As for trying to get good IVs otherwise, RNG abuse all the way.
For the story? No. (I probably should, though, so I don't waste so much time in the long run.)
For team-building for Frontier/Subway/Wifi? But of course.
In-game, the only thing I remotely care about is the Nature, and only if it is not beneficial to my Pokemon (ex. when I caught a Modest Deerling).
Chariblaze said:
As for trying to get good IVs otherwise, RNG abuse all the way.

I've heard about RNG abuse before I found it to be complicated for me...

anyway, like I said before, a few years ago, I didn't care about it either but now sometimes I notice the difference if the pokémon has good or bad IVs and I hate when 1 of my pokémon fails to get a OHKO because it has a low IV... But for example, my Platinum Infernape has a Quirky nature but 31 IVs in Atk, so it is actually pretty strong. Well, after your answers, I think I'll try to not worry that much about it... I ended up catching an Adamant Klink with decent IVs (around 17 to most of them) so I figured that would suffice for gameplay... Thanks.
Not for in-game. All I care about are natures, abilities, and gender. I don't care nearly enough to worry about IVs, but I have had extreme frustration when looking for Pokemon with a decent nature and the gender/ability I want.

For example, in White I set out to find a male Haxorus with Mold Breaker and a nature that lowers Special Attack or nothing at all because Mold Breaker is a better ability and Haxorus looks more masculine to me. I wasted hours running around that damn cave, hardly finding any males, and when I did they had Rivalry, despite the fact that there should be an even chance of finding each. I don't remember if I ever found one with Mold Breaker, but if I did it had some terribad Nature like Modest, or Relaxed. I eventually couldn't take it any more and just settled for a Rivalry one with a decent nature.

In Black, I wasted about 40 or so Ultra Balls, trying to find a Golurk without Klutz, a horrible ability, and a nature like Haxorus...I had even worse luck. This time, I found plenty of the Pokemon I was looking for, but I had worse luck at finding one without a horribad ability, and almost all of them had some terrible nature. This time, I just settled for one with Iron Fist and IIRC, Quiet, a useless nature.
^That happened exactly to me... It took me 2 hours to find a male Axew with Mold Breaker when I played White... I ended up with one with Naive Nature which is pretty decent and it is probably the strongest pokémon I've ever used in-game (barring mascot legendaries)...
And I plan to catch a Golett for Black. I hope I don't get that unlucky... Golett is much easier to find anyway...
And with that, I also forgot to mention that I usually prefer to catch male gender pokémon so when I have to catch those with 50/50 percentage, I get really annoyed when the first 5 or 6 pokémon are female for no apparent reason...
Oh, lol, I meant Golett. Forgot to mention that yesterday I went looking for a Male, neutral natured Pidove for Super Luck/Air Cutter/thatoneitemthatraisescritrate abuse. Used up all my Pokeballs looking for the right one. I finally got it on my last try, and it took two Pokeballs to catch it. I suppose using about 15 Pokeballs to catch just the right one is extremely better than wasting 30 Ultra balls and a few hours and never getting what I was looking for. Now it's time to search for a Male Motor Drive Blitzle. Wish me luck.
For legendary Pokemon or Pokemon you can only get one of, I do care about getting good IVs in the stats that matter for that particular Pokemon. Normally this is Speed and Attack / Special Attack depending on the Pokemon. Any other Pokemon for in game use I don't care about the nature or IVs. When I want to defeat the Battle Subway then I'll care.
In game i don't care about natures unless its something like a adamant litwick. IVs i never really care for but I get good ones either way like how my bold Latios( got in trade, was happy just cuz it was a latios) has 31 Speed evs without trying and my Hydreigon has 31 sp atk IVs and Modest that i got while trying to get a shiny. I also dont care for natures if its shiny, i have a shiny tyranitar but its timid. But its up to you how you play the game.
I only care about nature in game, like I'd rather not have a Timid Machamp or an Adamant Alakazam.
No, not really. I've done well enough in Battle Subway without caring about EVs and IVs. Nature is really the only component of randomness that I care about.
I usually just catch a couple of the Pokemon I want and choose the one with the best nature. I've never cared about IV's in-game.
Personally, having lived with Pokemon in my life from my early childhood, all the way up until now, my early adulthood, I relish the task of challenging myself and working on raising competitive IV's natures, egg moves, etc, even in-game! I haven't even completed the main storyline yet and I've been working on that. As for me, I enjoy doing it. It'll make the moment I complete the storyline more glorious...
I say no, simply because the Day Care Centre and Power items (which pass down IVs) make it much easier to get good Pokemon than in-game methods.
I never care about IVs in the first place, because it just seems like so much work! I mean, getting a Brave Druddigon or a Modest Kadabra or any other "perfect" Pokemon is all fine and dandy, but I never go out of my way to get one! The closest thing I've ever done to that is EV training my Event Darkrai in Diamond, maybe a few others. In game, all that really matters is that they are capable of learning the moves you want them to learn and that they're strong, but not necessarily perfect-strong.
I don't try to go for perfect IVs, but with Power Items, it really isn't difficult at all to get one or two perfect IVs. Like, a Jolly Garchomp needs 31 IVs in Attack and Speed, point blank, and a Blissey would appreciate 31 IVs in HP and Defense. It isn't that hard, really (if you looked at the statistics for getting 2 perfect IVs, you'd be a bit surprised). I mean, for in-game, it isn't that important, but wouldn't you like to say you were able to beat the E4 with one perfectly trained Pokemon, and nothing else?