First of all, understand that a lot of the time with American sets, there will be about 10 cards we won't get because PUSA wants to schedual their release with a movie that is going to be relased (Darkrai Lv.X, Dialga Lv.X, Palkia Lv.X, Shaymin Lv.X, ect.) or there just isn't room in the set for a few cards. Also, you should know that Japanese Booster Boxes have 20 Booster Packs, with 11 cards each in them, 1 card being a basic energy card (including dark and metal). Also, American packs have "filler" cards, or cards like Switch, Potion, PokeBall, Night Maintenance, ect. could be in an American set but will not be reprinted multiple times in Japanese sets.
There are also two sets that are two Sub-Sets, that meaning half of the set can be found in one sub-set, the other half being found in the other Sub-set. Also, there are some American cards like Magmortar SW that won't be found in Japanese Packs, because they can only be obtained by getting the Japanse theme decks. Japanese guide books also come out every so often with a Lv.X promo. It is usually reprinted one or two sets later in a Japanese set, so keep in mind that cards like Porygon Lv.X, all though it can be found in it's Japanese counter part set, we only have the artwork of the Promo Porygon Lv.X, and the Porygon Z Lv.X's artwork in Japansese packs in only found in the Japansese Packs.
Japan also comes out with a lot of Promos and Entry Packs (a sort of starter deck, only not in any one set), which America gets all in one set, but Japan can't get thouse cards in the set because they were only printed as promos and not in any set.
Make sure you know what cards are in which sets before you get Japanese Packs.
Keeping the above in mind, we have:
Diamond and Pearl = Diamond and Pearl
Mysterious Treasures = Mystery of the Lakes
Secret Wonders = Shining Darkness (and a little Moon Hunting/Night Dashing)
Great Encounters = Moon Hunting/Night Dashing
Majestic Dawn = Moon Hunting/Night Dashing/Entry Pack DX 2008
Legends Awakened = Cry from Mysterious/Temple of Anger
Stormfront = Intense Fight in the Destroyed Sky
??? = Galatic's Conquest
In Secret Wonders, we got the cards from Shining Darkness and a few other cards from Japan from different sets (Like Weavile, Gardevoir, and Gallade). If we were to have kept in scync with Japan, we would have had Darkrai Lv.X, Dialga Lv.X, and Palkia Lv.X in Secret Wonders, but thouse three pokemon were going to debute in a movie set to start playing around the same time as Great Encounters was released, so thouse cards got pushed back. Gardevoir Lv.X and Honchkrow Lv.X are in Moon Hunting/Night Dashing, so you will not get the SW Lv.X's in the SW equivilant box.
Moon Hunting and Night Dashing was such a large set, that it got split up between three American sets. We got a few early cards in Secret Wonders like Weavile, Gardevoir, Gallade, Honchkrow Lv.X, and Gardevoir Lv.X. Most of what we find in Great Encounters is from Moon Hunting/Night Dashing and the Theme Decks for Moon Hunting/Night Dashing. We can then find the rest of the cards that didn't make it into Great Encounters (Eeveelutions, Fossils, Legendary Birds, ect.) comprise Majestic Dawn, as well as the Cards from Entry Pack DX 2008 (such as the Shinou starter lines, and a few other cards and trainers). It is a small set because it wraped up everything that Japan had that we didn't have. Specifics are: Night Dashing has Leafeon Lv.X, Glaceon Lv.X, All Eeveelutions except Umbreon and Flareon, Gardevoir Lv.X, Gardevoir, Gallade, Sceptile, Felecity's Drawing, Swampert, and Claydol. Moon Hunting has Honchkrow Lv.X, Cresselia Lv.X, Garchomp Lv.X (English Artwork), Flareon, Umbreon, Blaziken, and a few other things I can't remember.
Temple of Anger/Cry from the Mysterious got turned into Legends Awakened, which is the largest set in current format, with 146 cards in it. PUSA decided that instead of going through all the trouble they did with Moon Hunting/Night Dashing, they would put everything into one set and get it over with. If you are looking for specific cards here, know this: Temple of Anger has Heatran (non Lv.X), Giratina, Luxray, Uxie Lv.X, Mesperit Lv.X, Rhperior Lv.X, Uxie, Mesperit, Poli lines, Gliscor (non Lv.X), Yanmega, and Dragonite. Cry from Mysterious has Kingdra, Froslass, Mamoswine, Azelf Lv.X, Azelf, Magnezone Lv.X, Metagross, Spiritomb, and Porygon Z Lv.X.
Finally, in Intense Fight in the Destroyed sky, the only cards you will get out of this set that won't be in Stormfront are as follows: Dialga, Shaymin, Shaymin Lv.X, and Giratina. The other cards missing from Stormfront are the cards found in the Theme Decks that fit with the next movie set for Febuary.
Hope I helped.