Do you think its Real or Fake?


Chino CHolo :] Contact Me on Aim
Do you believe its real or fake.

Magic: I think its fake.

Big Foot: Maybe early man.

Yeti: Maybe early man.

Nessie the Loch Ness Monster: I don't think dinosaurs can live this long.

Cannie (or something) the Sea Serpant: Cannie well its not very famous as much as Nessie but I think it said it been seen at the Great Lakes or the Pacific or its just a hoax.

Aliens: Yes, cause I believe there are other life besides on Earth of the entire universe.

Doomsday: Not really cause people cannot just predict the end of the world.

Dragons: Not sure.

Atlantis: The underwater city.

Luck: Yes!
Magic: Depends on what you mean by magic. Those things magicains do? Obviously illusions. But something like love? Definately exists.

Big Foot: He's around...chained in my back yard.

Yeti: Same thing as big foot...

Nessie the Loch Ness Monster: Definately dead.

Cannie (or something) the Sea Serpant: Never heard of this guy...

Aliens: They are around as well....

Doomsday: The bible begs to differ.

Dragons: Mutations happen all the time....

Atlantis: Yup. Its not a sunken city though...

Luck: I'd say fate exists more then luck...

and God: LOL, this is just asking for a huge debate. I'll keep it simple and say evolution doesn't prove/disprove anything and god definately exists in each of us. Interpret that how you want.
Sorry. I don't believe the last statement is right. And I think this thread should be locked just because of the notice of religion.
Ehh, whatever.

Magic: What Papi/Manny said.

Bigfoot: No.

Yeti: No.

Loch Ness: No.

Cannie: Uh...

Aliens: Maybe, there is some evidence supporting extraterrestrial life.

Doomsday: Hah, when we finally destroy the earth because of global warming.

Dragons: Heh. They're just big lizards with wings. So, yeah.

Atlantis: Atlanta? Atlantic Ocean? They're real.

Luck: Is only what our minds perceive it to be. More towards irony.

God: Not enough evidence supporting either side of the debate. But, if you want my honest opinion, no.

Also, bubba, do something about it and stop mini-modding...

Shawn out.
Here I go:
Cannie:No I don,t know it
Aliens:When you live in mexico UFOS are part of your normal life so yes I believe in them
Doomsday:Yes humanity is going to cause it
Luck:Same as CCloud:F
Thank you! Then I will post what I believe. And I am sorry for mini-modding. I guess I didn't really know I was doing it. It is just I get really fussed up about that kind of stuff on this site, especially because I couldn't make a Christian thread.
yeah...a long time ago, here on PB i asked someguy to do me a favor, and this kid asked me if i believed in god....i told him not and he got all fused up too....i mean, religion and other kind of "sensitive" topics shouldn´t be disscused this way (nor any other way here)...not if you won´t like the answers you´ll get.

magic: illusion are that, illusions. love is not magic, is a state of the mind where you get caught up in many sensations and thoughts that lift you in another state of mind (one of peace and joy).

big foot: maybe...i think he´s dead.

yeti: same as above but more frosty.

cannie: never heard of it, but what about el "chupacabras?"

aliens: of course they can´t just think we´re alone in the whole universe (and i can transform into 10 of them).

doomsday: depends on what you believe as doomsday...if you´re thinking in a "sea of fire" or the "brimstone falling from heavens" then no...if that were truth we would ha felt the rage of the fire a looooooooooooong time ago. if you´re thinking of a meteorite crashing into the earth...then you might have a had happened once before...

dragons: only the komodos survived.

atlantis: i don´t think so.

luck: well...i´d have to say there´s no such thing, but remember the human mind believes what it want to believe...if you think of you as "lucky" then it do exists.

God: no...and let´s not go in there.
  • Magic: Fake
  • Big Foot: Fake
  • Yeti: Fake
  • Nessie the Loch Ness Monster: Real at least something like that)
  • Cannie (or something) the Sea Serpant: No idea, who/what that is
  • Aliens: I believe we're not the only beings in the whole space as well.
  • Doomsday: IDK what to say
  • Dragons: Fake
  • Atlantis: You mean Rapture (Oh gosh, I am such a g33k). Nah, JK. I don't believe it really exists.
  • Luck: Luck... as fortune? NO!

Do you believe its real or fake.

Magic: Obviously fake.
Big Foot: Fake (just a man in a costume).
Yeti: Same with Big Foot.
Nessie the Loch Ness Monster: I BELIEVE(a very reasonable mystery).
Cannie (or something) the Sea Serpant: Hoax.
Aliens: Yes, God(or The Creator) did not make the world to make us alone(My belief).
Doomsday: Of course, since any religion will speak about this.
Dragons: I wish it is but it isn't.
Atlantis: Possible.
Luck: Yes, but sometimes it does not happen :(
[/i]bubba235, correct me if i'm wrong, but doesn't the Jewish people believe in God too?

Magic: I don't think love is magic, so no

Big Foot: No

Yeti: No

Nessie the Loch Ness Monster: The Monster of Loch Ness is not a Monster. It is probably dead.

Cannie (or something) the Sea Serpant: I don't know him/her

Aliens: No, it is pretty easy to fake it nowadays.

Doomsday: *Under construction*

Dragons: No, maybe in the time of the Dinosaurs, if they have lived.

Atlantis: i guess i do.

Luck: Yes
Magic: Its a real card game. Lol, I think its fake.

Big Foot: I beleive hes real. He owes me $30 bucks...

Yeti: See what I said for Bigfoot.

Nessie the Loch Ness Monster: There is scientific proof that Nessie does not exist, so considering I never trust scientists, I beleive its real.

Cannie (or something) the Sea Serpant: See what I said for Bigfoot and Yeti.

Aliens: They're out there... ever watch, 'E.T"?

Doomsday: I beleive in it as much as I do pixies.

Dragons: God, I HOPE they're real.

Atlantis: See my bathtub. There's your answer.

Luck: Well, let's see, considering I found that working Ipod nano on my proch about 3 weeks ago... YES!!! (I'm not joking abotu this :eek:)

Ex Dragon18 said:
bubba235, correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't the Jewish people believe in God too?
Just to tweak this, they beleive in god, but they don't beleive he is the Masiyah. Which is the savior. he is yet to come. In fact, he is to come when the world ends. Just saying.
Magic: fake

Big Foot: fake

Yeti: fake

Nessie the Loch Ness Monster: It's death

Cannie (or something) the Sea Serpant: What?

Aliens: YES!!

Doomsday: mmm...

Dragons: before

Atlantis: Yes

Luck: No...
Ketchup and Mustard said:
Magic: Its a real card game. Lol, I think its fake.

Big Foot: I beleive hes real. He owes me $30 bucks...

Yeti: See what I said for Bigfoot.

Nessie the Loch Ness Monster: There is scientific proof that Nessie does not exist, so considering I never trust scientists, I beleive its real.

Cannie (or something) the Sea Serpant: See what I said for Bigfoot and Yeti.

Aliens: They're out there... ever watch, 'E.T"?

Doomsday: I beleive in it as much as I do pixies.

Dragons: God, I HOPE they're real.

Atlantis: See my bathtub. There's your answer.

Luck: Well, let's see, considering I found that working Ipod nano on my proch about 3 weeks ago... YES!!! (I'm not joking abotu this :eek:)

Ex Dragon18 said:
bubba235, correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't the Jewish people believe in God too?
Just to tweak this, they beleive in god, but they don't beleive he is the Masiyah. Which is the savior. he is yet to come. In fact, he is to come when the world ends. Just saying.
Er, Jesus=/God.