Does anyone know of a good price guide for the DP sets?

Mr. Meep

Rhythm Heaven is a masterpiece.
I was looking to sell my collection of cards from Diamond and Pearl to Stormfront, and was wondering if anyone knew of a good price guide (online or in print) where I could find the values for them. Thanks in advance!
Older Cards:

For newer cards, check out becketts pokemon magazine:
They should have them at barnes and noble or Borders.

Average the BIN prices and you've got yourself some decent prices. However, beckett's guide may be better if you want to do a whole bunch of cards at the same time. However, they don't always take account of the playability of cards in the OP.
Thanks for the advice, guys. One specific example: I've heard a lot of references to Claydol in articles about the TCG. Is the one from Great Encounters particularly valuable or something?
Mr. Meep said:
Thanks for the advice, guys. One specific example: I've heard a lot of references to Claydol in articles about the TCG. Is the one from Great Encounters particularly valuable or something?

almost every competetive deck NEEDS this card! Dont seel it for under $25.
Like ESP said, some pokemon that aren't very rare go rediculously high because of playabillity
Uxie: 30$ Azelf: 7$ Average LA rare: 3$
Claydol: 20-25$ Togekiss: 6$ Average GE rare: 3$

So the best way for you to learn set values is to become experienced with competitive battling so you are farmilliar with playabillity, and can easily determine price values.