Does Blue Lock Beat Dragapult? Pidgeot Control


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At the recent San Antonio Regionals, I was able to make cut with an interesting and unique build of Pidgeot ex Control, cooked up by the control god Sander Wojcik himself. I changed it a little so it wasn’t obvious I copied, but it was still obvious I copied. After a strong placement with such a cool deck, I wanted to write about it, but Prismatic Evolutions was releasing with Budew. Without access to Rare Candy, Pidgeot was basically off the table in some matchups, which was unacceptable. I initially thought that Pidgeot Control would die at the hands of Itchy Pollen. The only alternative to Rare Candy was manually evolving up to Pidgeot ex. Not only was this too slow, but it...

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Really? You can use Painful Spoons twice by playing Penny.... i wouldn't have read it that way....
I would. It doesn't say "You may only use one Painful Spoons Ability per turn." I learned this when I played Blacephalon. If you put a Jirachi into your hand with Scoop Up Net, put it back into play, and promote it to the Active again, you can use Stellar Wish again. I suppose the logic is the game can't keep track of whether a Pokémon is the same one that was in play earlier in the turn once it goes into your hand (Since there's nothing stopping you from shuffling your hand) or deck (Shuffling that is not optional). Whether that's the reasoning or not, it still applies to Pokémon you can only run one of in your deck.
I get the feeling, though. I remember when I found out you can't actually attach Heat Energy with Welder, or Coating Energy with Metal Saucer, even though those Trainers don't specify basic Fire or basic Metal Energy, since those two special energy only provide their respective energy types when attached to a Pokémon. I'd been play testing a casual GLC deck for a while when I found it out and realized I'd been playing the deck wrong.