Pokemon: 22
4 Zorua
3 Zoroark GX
1 Zoroark BKT
3 Rockruff
3 Lycanroc GX
2 Lele
1 Shaymin
1 Alolan Grimer
1 Alolan Muk
1 Buzzwole GX
1 Mewtwo EVO
1 Oricorio
Trainer: 29
1 Sycamore
1 N
1 Brigette
1 Guzma
2 Colres
1 Mallow
1 Hex Maniac
4 Ultra Ball
4 Puzzles
4 VS Seekers
2 Choice Band
1 Special Charge
1 Field Blower
1 Special Charge
1 Rescue Stretcher
3 Sky Field
Energy: 9
3 Strong energy
2 Fighting Energy
Note: I only have 2 Leles and 1 Brigette at the moment so...yeah
I've been using Zororark Lycanroc in standard for a couple weeks and love it. With Sky Field at its disposal, I feel like this deck can be even better in expanded with Zororark doing a whopping 180 with a full bench (210 with a choice band). The non GX Zororark can do 250 if your opponent has a full bench which is very good for a 1 prize attacker, not the mention the pressure it puts on your opponent to try not to fill up bench too much. Lycanroc is more of a side attacker, but can pack a punch if needed. Muk is used to be able to block late game Leles and Shaymins and is able to prevent your opponent from steaming up or being able to attack with Night March. Oricorio is a nice tech for Night March which is very popular at the moment. Buzzwole can provide pressure early and soften things up for Zororark to OHKO later in the game. Mewtwo is used to punish my opponent from piling energies on one mon (Garde) and can be a nice counter to fighting.
The supporter lineup is very thin and makes me feel rather uncomfortable. 1 Sycamore, 1 N and 2 Colress in any other deck would be a big no no, but I feel like Zororark might be the exception. Being able to trade every turn can fill the gap for the small supporter lineup. One problem I do see with Colress is that it can draw TOO many cards at times. I feel like puzzles are a must in a deck like this just because they can come in handy when needed. Space in this deck is very thin which is why I only use 2 choice bands and 1 field blower. My energy lineup in my opinion is low but I haven't really had problems getting energy in my few tests with this decks.
Any suggestions for this deck will be appreciated.
4 Zorua
3 Zoroark GX
1 Zoroark BKT
3 Rockruff
3 Lycanroc GX
2 Lele
1 Shaymin
1 Alolan Grimer
1 Alolan Muk
1 Buzzwole GX
1 Mewtwo EVO
1 Oricorio
Trainer: 29
1 Sycamore
1 N
1 Brigette
1 Guzma
2 Colres
1 Mallow
1 Hex Maniac
4 Ultra Ball
4 Puzzles
4 VS Seekers
2 Choice Band
1 Special Charge
1 Field Blower
1 Special Charge
1 Rescue Stretcher
3 Sky Field
Energy: 9
3 Strong energy
2 Fighting Energy
Note: I only have 2 Leles and 1 Brigette at the moment so...yeah
I've been using Zororark Lycanroc in standard for a couple weeks and love it. With Sky Field at its disposal, I feel like this deck can be even better in expanded with Zororark doing a whopping 180 with a full bench (210 with a choice band). The non GX Zororark can do 250 if your opponent has a full bench which is very good for a 1 prize attacker, not the mention the pressure it puts on your opponent to try not to fill up bench too much. Lycanroc is more of a side attacker, but can pack a punch if needed. Muk is used to be able to block late game Leles and Shaymins and is able to prevent your opponent from steaming up or being able to attack with Night March. Oricorio is a nice tech for Night March which is very popular at the moment. Buzzwole can provide pressure early and soften things up for Zororark to OHKO later in the game. Mewtwo is used to punish my opponent from piling energies on one mon (Garde) and can be a nice counter to fighting.
The supporter lineup is very thin and makes me feel rather uncomfortable. 1 Sycamore, 1 N and 2 Colress in any other deck would be a big no no, but I feel like Zororark might be the exception. Being able to trade every turn can fill the gap for the small supporter lineup. One problem I do see with Colress is that it can draw TOO many cards at times. I feel like puzzles are a must in a deck like this just because they can come in handy when needed. Space in this deck is very thin which is why I only use 2 choice bands and 1 field blower. My energy lineup in my opinion is low but I haven't really had problems getting energy in my few tests with this decks.
Any suggestions for this deck will be appreciated.