Dolphin's Art Thread (Updated: Artwork)


Tamer of all Ducks!
This is all really old years old. lol Hopefully I'll get some new art up soon.
Blue Pikachu
Scar the Grovyle

Gender Sprites​

I decided to go through all of the new Black and White sprites and make male and female sprites for each Pokemon who currently do not have them.

I'm going to go through the starters first then hopefully start working through the rest of the Pokemon.

Some changes may be very hard to see just like the original Pokemon sprites. Some sprites may not have been changed at all, but I put them up here to compare to the opposite gender.

Like most animals, males often have very vibrant colors and are larger in size. I'm going to try and show that through these sprites. If I was better at making sprites I would try to make very detailed changed, but I can't do that much yet. =P

If you have any suggestions for any sprites please let me know!!

Traits marked with (*) were not thought of my me. They are normal Pokemon gender differences.

Male : Female



Females have blue eyes and a notch in the leaf on their head.



Females have blue eyes, a shorter leaf on their head and smaller buds around their neck.



Females have smaller antenna on their heads* and only one yellow stripe on their flowers.



Females have shorter tails.



Females have shorter tails and a smaller belly stripe.



Females have shorter tails, smaller bellies stripes and smaller yellow orbs on their backs.



Females have smaller head feathers. Males have a black spot on their rump (cannot be seen from front).*



Females have smaller head feathers.*



Females have smaller head feathers.*
RE: Pokemon Gender Sprites

Basing off the current sprite you've made, I have a question for you:

Are you only changing the coloring on Pokemon that do not have a gender difference?

Sorry, but there hasn't been one Pokemon with gender differences that only received a darker/lighter color. The only exception I can think of is Jellicent, but it also got a completely different appearance. Changing the coloring just makes the Pokemon look like a new shiny form. Pokemon with gender differences get something like longer claws, a chip in the fin, an extra spot on their back, etc.

IMO, your Charizard just looks like an idea that Gamefreak had on his shiny form, but choose the version we see now instead.
RE: Pokemon Gender Sprites

I don't think darkening sprites by just a little tiny bit will make much of a difference. Most animals in real life do not have vibrant or noticeable gender differences - such as frogs (their only difference between genders is just their physiology). Sounds interesting, but also too much unnecessary busywork.

Like most animals, males often have very vibrant colors and are larger in size.
Case in point: Unfezant.
'sides, the heights/lengths given in the Pokedex are average sizes - not all of that species are all the same size. (You remember those NPCs that ask to see a large species of _______, don't you?)

I'd say more, but TDL covered most of it.
RE: Pokemon Gender Sprites

*plays spot the difference with the sprites*

Ok I give up, I can't find any difference other than the colour :p

IMO, if you're going to make a thread on sexual dimorphism in pokemon, it's going to need to be more than a luminosity offset in the sprite's colour. Even if the colour is a drastic change and the sprite is completely the same otherwise, it's still not that much of a difference (and might as well just be called a shiny, or a seasonal change, ala Deerling rather than a male/female difference)
RE: Pokemon Gender Sprites

Well to be honest there really isn't too much I can change. Have you seen the male/female Torchic sprites? The male just has a black spot on it's behind. :p

I'm going to try to get more detailed as I get better at making sprites. The only one up there that has an actual difference is Venusaur. The female has fewer teeth showing and a yellow cap on the top of the tree (I've seen that on other Venusaur female sprites).

If you guys have any ideas on how to physically change the sprites up there, please suggest.
RE: Dolphin's Art Thread (Updated)

Seeing as I have always been a sucker for well-drawn pencil artworks, I need to say that the Grovyle there is my favorite out of the newer installments. The rest are all very good as well; I just like that one the best so far.
RE: Dolphin's Art Thread (Updated: Art & Fake Card)

Thanks!! =]

I did Absol quite fast...that's why the shadows and highlights are so sloppy.

Added a fake card! I'm a graphics person so I thought I'd take a crack at it!
RE: Dolphin's Art Thread (Updated: Art & Fake Card)

Nice cards, dolphinluv2010, but I ask that you post your cards in a thread in the Fake Creations section -- that's where fake cards are supposed to go. :)
RE: Dolphin's Art Thread (Updated: Art & Fake Card)

Very nice! I like the Sceptile sketch! It was very well done!