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Donking (Cities, Seniors)


It's not easy having a good time.
^I'm going here^

Please give any suggestions!

4-3-4 Kingdra (3 Prime, 1 LA)
2-1 Donphan Prime
2 Uxie LA
1 Azelf LA

T/S/S: 26

4x Bebe's Search
4x Rare Candy
2x Pokemon Collector
2x Emcee's Chatter
2x Professor Oak's New Theory
2x Professor Elm's Training Method
1x Seeker
1x Warp Point
2x Super Scoop
2x Expert Belt
2x Plus Power
1x Palmer's Contribution
1x Luxury Ball

Energy: 17

5x Fighting
2x Rainbow
10x Water

The theory is to get kingdra prime out and have the other one for back up. Donphan is for weakness, so any help would be nice!
RE: Donking (Cities, Masters)

WAY 2 many {W} energies IMO. Drop a few and make a 3-2 donphan line(maybe even a 3-3 line). Kingdra only needs one energy, you could even add a few more {F} or rainbow energies. And I say this to everyone, but IMO
Seeker > SSU.
RE: Donking (Cities, Masters)

I'm keeping SSU just for the sake that it's a trainer. I'm going to take out 3 {W} and put in 3 more {F}

Updated list.
RE: Donking (Cities, Masters)

I see where you are coming from, but Trainer lock decks are becoming more popular. If you want to, you could always do a mix. 2 SSU & 1 Seeker OR 1 SSU & 2 Seeker.
RE: Donking (Cities, Masters)

Good call, I need two more Kingdra primes and the LA one, so I'm not trying to change around the pokemon part of the list. Ill take out one warp point for a Seeker.

Updated list.
RE: Donking (Cities, Masters)

I think you could go4-2-4 on the Kingdras. Also go 3-2 on Donphan. You probably want more Palmer's.You also need more seekers because there are a lot of trainer blocks. I know someone withyour type of Kingdra deck w/ Donphan & everything. It's really good but it needs a little work hope i helped! :)
RE: Donking (Cities, Masters)

Thanks, I really need the Kingdras, all I have is 1 Prime. I need them in 8 Days! I'm going to cities then. Do you have any?
RE: Donking (Cities, Masters)

too much energy for this kind of deck. each really only needs 1 energy of the respective type. id tone the energys down and either beef up the donphan or fix up the trainers. you could pick better cards than emcee's and elms. maybe bucks/blackbelt to help with a donk. you also NEED more seekers. if your opponent has 1 guy benched seeker him up and lay down the donk.
so i would do somehitng like
-3 water
+2 bts
+2 seeker
+1 donphan
+2 communication or buck/blackbelt
RE: Donking (Cities, Masters)

Gardegon: Seekers are a huge must in donk decks imo, the power of the donk is hugely weakened if they have two pokemon out. If they do, just use seeker, amazing card. You could add warp energies for late game switching to seeker it up to heal. Also waaaay too many energies imo. Take some out and add in speed techs imo, like pokedrawer and pokedex handy910.