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Donphan (Cities, Masters)


Aspiring Trainer
Pokemon: 8
4-4 Donphan Prime

TTS: 42
4 Buck's Training
4 Judge
4 Pluspower
4 Pokedex HANDY910is
4 PokeDrawer+
4 Quick Ball
3 Expert Belt
2 Broken Time-Space
2 Great Ball
2 Looker's Investigation
2 Seeker
2 Super Scoop Up
2 Warp Point
1 Copycat
1 Luxury Ball
1 Palmer's Contribution
1 Volkner's Philosophy

10 {F}

Saw a deck like this a while ago and tried it myself with some pretty good results. Basically smash hard for low energy with Donphan while taking advantage of my numerous mulligans with cards like Judge and Copycat. Considering teching 3-2-3 Machamp SF at most.
You need Uxie for this deck; it just works a lot better. For that extra 10 damage when you need it, you could have Crobat G (not going to say you need it, but it's an option), as well as Relicanth for Umbreon UD.
+2-1 Uxie LV.X
+1 Relicanth
+2 Broken Time-Space (you're going for the donk here, you'll want this T1/2)
+4 Seeker (donk!!!)
+4 SSU
-1 Volkner's Philosophy (not a huge help, particularly w/ Uxie)
-3 Fighting Energy (you don't need that much)
-2 Great Ball (Not helping that much, you won't really need basics all that much)
-2 Twins (donk!!!)
-4 Quick Ball
-2 Pokédex HANDY910is (Not a great source for drawpower)
Okay - 2 twins and add in + 2 stantler from unleashed

I know its a werid suggestion but its more likely for you to get a basic pokemon at the start with the two stantler and stantler hase the attack call for familey.
This is a really cool deck concept. I would just be concerned about only having two pokemon out at pretty much all times. If someone seekers you then knocks out your active you will auto lose.