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Donphan/Flygon/Nidoqueen MD-CoL for BR


Aspiring Trainer
4 Spiritomb
3 - 3 Donphan Prime
2-1-2 Nidoqueen RR
3-2-3-1 Flyon RR/Lv. X
2 Uxie
1 Azelf
1 Unown Q

29 Pokemon

1 Pokemon Communication
2 Bebe's Search
4 Pokemon Collector
2 Broken Time-Space
1 Luxury Ball
3 Rare Candy
2 Expert Belt
2 Seeker

18 T/S/S

2 Rescue Energy
4 Rainbow Energy
4 Double Colorless Energy
2 Fighting Energy
1 Psychic Energy

14 energy

The strategy is to use spiritomb to set up evolutions on the bench, which powers up Flygon's second attack. Donphan has good synergy with Flyon, and donphan has good synergy with nidoqueen; and nidoqueen has good synergy with flygon... it works!

All three pokemon are main attackers. They can all hit for high amounts of damage; however Donphan will be out there first once I'm done setting up. Rainbow energy lets nidoqueen and donphan attack; I will never use donphan's second attack (unless you suggest otherwise?).

Nidoqueen and Donphan only need 1 rainbow to attack, with nidoqueen needing 1 rainbow and DCE to use ruthless tail. The main main attacker in the deck is Flygon, though. Sand Wall lets me discard my stadium and protect me, or attack for large damage with his second attack. The psychic and fighting energies are mainly to attach to Flygon, so that I can use his body to retreat Nidoqueen and Donphan for free. Flygon's basic form, Trapinch, can also use Gather Sand to attach a fighting to itself; then get rare candied into Flygon, then have a DCE added. Flygon Level X doesn't really have any synergy with the deck whatsoever - its body is just quite good and extreme attack can be powerful if the opponent run level x's.
With free retreat on all my pokemon (in theory), seeker lets me pick them up and replay them (and their rainbow energies).

I'm not sure if I should swap my T/S/S. I don't own any more bebe's, but I don't want to run any more communication (I start spiritomb often.)

Should I swap the deck around, and have fisherman and more basic energy? I just don't know how to improve the deck. I'm considering changing flygon to 2-2-2 as well rather than 3-2-3.


