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Donphan/Machamp for States (Need advice!)


4-3-2/2 Machamp (SF-TM-Prime/SF)
2-2 Donphan Prime
1-1 Umbreon UD
1 Regirock LA
2 Uxie LA
1 Azelf LA
Total: 21

4 Rare Candy
3 Pokemon Communication
2 Devoluter
2 Expert Belt
2 Pokedex
1 Luxury Ball
Total: 14

3 Pokemon Collector
2 Professor Oak's New Theory
2 Bebe's Search
2 Seeker
1 Palmer's Contribution
Total: 10

3 Broken Time Space
2 Stark Mountain
Total: 5

6 Fighting Energy
1 Rainbow
Total: 10

Strategy: Set up an early Donphan/Machamp SF and hit for heavey damage to snag early KOs, then go out to Machamp Prime to finish everything. Regirock is there to accelerate energy onto Machamp Prime after a KO. Umbreon is mostly for the matchup against Gengar variants, giving me a solid wall for Vilegar, and 2 shotting Gengar Prime.
First off, if you plan to use Regirock LA, you might want to use Stark Mountain(since it should never be active for Fighting Tag). You can take out the 2 Dual Balls for 2 Stark Mountain. Umbreon UD would be nice, I guess. If you want Umbreon UD, remove a Pokemon Communication and 2 Pokedex for it.

Hope I helped. :)
my reccomendations:

-2 dual ball
-1 regirock
-1 communication
-2 rescue
-2 rare candy

+1-1 donphan
+1 uxie X (if you have it)
+1 twins
+1 BTS
+1 bebe's
+2 pokedex

^ this should greatly help your consistency, and enable you to get an early donphan/champ out. i took out the candy because you only run 1 stage 2, and it isn't necessary when your running BTS and a stage 1. took out rescue mainly because of palmer's, and with the speed of your deck, you'll already have another attacker ready. regirock does not improve you consistensy at all, and is terrible to start with. i would also reccomend fitting in one unown Q if you do put the uxie X in, and if not, a few warp points are always helpful in any deck.
Er yeah, I figure Stark Mountain is probably my best choice. I guess I can take out the Rescues for Devoluter, since they can't contribute to attack costs very well. I don't have an Uxie X or else I'd be playing it, and going 4-4 on Donphan is way overkill, I'll have my hand clogged with Pokemon and be food for Lostgar. The more I think about it, Umbreon is seeming like a better choice. So the changes I'm making look like:

-2 Dual Ball
-1-1 Donphan
-2 Rescue
-1 Fighting

+2 Stark Mountain
+1-1 Umbreon UD
+2 Devoluter
+1 Rainbow
That looks good. The Devoluter is also a nice little bonus if you play Jumpluff, because it's hard to hit when Pluff has Fighting resistance.
maybe you could -1 candy to add +1 bebe to increase the chance of getting the bebe's because you can always use a way to get a specific pokemon, sometimes candies just take up space
Thanks for all the advice so far guys, I really appreciate it. I have another question I feel the need to ask; should I forget about using Umbreon, as well as dropping my Donphan line to add Mightyena PL and Skuntank G? I feel like this will help my Lostgar/Vilegar matchup tremendously, as I will be able to OHKO both Gengars, assuming Gengar SF does not have an Expert Belt which seems incredibly unlikely. It also feels like a slightly more effective way to damage Gyarados, assuming it has a Cyclone/Rescue Energy attached.
Why Umbreon? You have no dark energies. I think you might want to:

-1 Pokemon communication
-1 BTS
3 dark energies.

Hope this helps! :)
^He uses Rainbow Energy. Adding 3 Darks will decrease consistency and lower the chances of playing the cards you suggested to take out.