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I'm planning to play a Don/Champ deck for the HGSS-On format and am just looking for a few opinions and pointers.

Pokemon (23):

3-3 Donphan Prime
4-3-4 Machamp Prime
2-2-2 Reuniclus

T/S/S (25):

4 Pokemon Collector
4 Pokemon Communication
4 Seeker
4 Rare Candy
3 Prof. Elm's Training Method
2 Prof. Oak's New Theory
2 Switch
2 Copycat

Energy (12):

8 Fighting

Standard DonChamp strategy applies. Try to get a turn 2-3 Donphan Prime out for some early KOs and to spread a little damage onto my own bench. Build up some Machamp Primes to do the heavy lifting for the mid-late game. Ability Reuniclus is there to spread damage on the bench appropriately, to allow for maximum Machamp damage. Reuniclus + Seeker also combo to take off excess damage counters.

The main problem I'm facing lately are energy issues. I'm also unsure of whether I have too many rare candies for my pokemon lines. Anyway, all tips, pointers and opinions are appreciated.
IMO 4 Rare candy is too much for this deck:
-2 Rare Candy
+2 Fighting Energy
Because only one stage 2 line is "Rare candy-based" and that's has only one less stage 1 I think 2 candy is enough.