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Donphan / Robo Substitute / Sigilyph / Outrage Dragons


Aspiring Trainer
Pokemon: 14
4 Phanpy
4 Donphan
2 Hawlucha
1 Kyurem
1 Zekrom
1 Dedenne
1 Sigilyph

Trainers/Supporters/Stadiums: 36
4 Professor Juniper
3 N
1 Colress
3 Korrina
2 Lysandre
3 VS Seeker
1 Computer Search
1 Professor’s Letter
3 Fighting Stadium
4 Robo Substitute
1 Ultra Ball
3 Float Stone
1 Lysandre’s Trump Card
2 Muscle Band
2 Silver Bangle
1 Switch

Energy: 11
4 Fighting Energy
4 Strong Energy
3 Double Colorless Energy

Pokemon Strategy:
The strategy is to get Donphan in play and use his first move "Spinning Turn", which cost only 1 Fighting Energy and switches to a preferred wall (Robo Substitute or Sigilyph if there is an EX). Alternative walls are the outrage dragons which can also attack weaknesses. Zekrom and Dedenne are there for Yvetal decks, which are prevalent in my area. Hawlucha's are extra attackers.

Trainer/Supporters/Stadium Strategy:
- Fighting Stadium, Strong Energies, Muscle Band, Silver Bangles help stack damage.
- Professor's Letter is there to help find energies
- Lysandre's Trump Card is there to help recover energies from the discard pile from Enhanced and Crushing Hammers
- Switch is there for Hypnotoxic Lasers.
- I am Running 3 VS Seekers so that I can discard single copy supporters early in the game

- My area has a prevalence of Yvetal/Yvetal Ex, M Manectric Ex, Semitoad Ex, Aegislash Ex. Are there any additional counters I can add?
- Should I add an Enhanced Hammer?
- Should I add a Wobuffett?
- How is my energy balance?

Thanks for any insights!