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Donphan / Snorlax / Landorus EX


Aspiring Trainer

  • 4 Phanpy
    4 Donphan
    2 Snorlax PLS
    2 Landorus EX
    1 Lucario EX

  • 4 Professor Juniper
    4 N
    4 Korina
    2 Lysandre
    1 Colress
    2 VS Seeker
    1 Computer Search
    4 Robo Substitute
    1 Professor's Letter
    1 Startling Megaphone
    3 Switch
    3 Float Stone
    2 Muscle Band
    2 Ultra Ball
    3 Fighting Stadium

  • 4 Fighting Energy
    4 Strong Energy
    2 DCE


Would think people are more than familiar with the standard donphan deck by now, and this variation changes very little, donphan stacks buffs and spinning turns into robos to prevent the enemy from getting prizes or inflicting significant damage.

Where i've deviated is instead of going the normal damage denial I have decided to attempt a more 'standard' damage deck, snorlax can lock in a opposing ex for the next turn ko wether by donphan or one of the other 2 offensive forces present in landorusEX and lucarioEX. Both are powered by the same engine that makes and searches out donphan and can easily step in with a bit of bench snipe or hand refresh if needed.

Items are pretty standard, all chosen to keep the deck flowing and the donphans spinning.