Pokemon: 18
4 Phantump
4 Trevenant (Forest Curse Ability)
4 Phanpy
4 Donphan (Spinning Turn)
2 Malamar EX
Trainers/Supporters/Stadiums: 30
4 Silver Bangle
4 Float Stone
4 Team Flare Grunt
4 Skyla
4 N
4 Evosoada
3 Pokemon Fan Club
2 Korrina
1 Professor's Letter
Energy: 12
6 Fighting Energy
2 Rainbow Energy
4 Strong Energy
The idea here is just the basic Donphan/Trevenant strategy, but with Malamar for even more disruption. I think, considering how the Donphan's attack cost is, Malamar fits in perfectly with this deck. I may be a tad heavy on the energy side, but I think it is necessary to keep fueling Malamar's Hyper Hypnosis ability. I have rainbow energy in here just in case I need to attack with Malamar, because I think it can be a decent backup.
4 Phantump
4 Trevenant (Forest Curse Ability)
4 Phanpy
4 Donphan (Spinning Turn)
2 Malamar EX
Trainers/Supporters/Stadiums: 30
4 Silver Bangle
4 Float Stone
4 Team Flare Grunt
4 Skyla
4 N
4 Evosoada
3 Pokemon Fan Club
2 Korrina
1 Professor's Letter
Energy: 12
6 Fighting Energy
2 Rainbow Energy
4 Strong Energy
The idea here is just the basic Donphan/Trevenant strategy, but with Malamar for even more disruption. I think, considering how the Donphan's attack cost is, Malamar fits in perfectly with this deck. I may be a tad heavy on the energy side, but I think it is necessary to keep fueling Malamar's Hyper Hypnosis ability. I have rainbow energy in here just in case I need to attack with Malamar, because I think it can be a decent backup.