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Dontwo or zeel for states?


Aspiring Trainer
So im trying to decide what deck i should run for states. Suggestions are zeel and dontwo.

2 zekrom ex
2 zekrom
2 mewtwo
4-4 eels
1 cleffa

2 N
4 Junk arm
4 Pont
2 catchers
2 switch
2 plus power
3 level ball
1 pokemon communication
2 sages
2 juniper
4 collector


let me know what else i could run in zeel
Then theirs....

Donphan 3-3
2 mewtwo ex
2 landorus
2 terrakion
1 regigigas ex
1 cleffa

4 professor elms
4 collector
2 catcher
2 switch
3 ruins of alph
2 pokmon communication
2 level ball
3 energy retrieval
2 N
2 eviolite

12 fighting

what do you guys think?
For Donphan, I'd definately take out the Elm's, considering your only evolution is Donphan. Heavy ball gets out Donphan and Regigigas, and I believe Terrakion and Landurus (please confirm). Also, I might bump Ruin's of Alph down to two. And the only thing lv ball gets out is Phanpy and Cleffa, both of whom are searched by Collector. I'd add in to replace those a few more draw supporters; exp. share would go well in here as well. I'd want another catcher, too, but that's just me.
Changes for Zeels:
-0-1 eelektrik (I think only 4-3 is needed really. Also to make room)
-1 pokemon communication (what level ball can't get collector can)
-2 PONT (to make room)

+1 zapdos (good against fighting match ups)
+1 sage's (discarding)
+1 juniper (discarding)
+1 catcher (3 is usually better in my experience. More consistent)

Changes for Dontwo:
-4 PETM (really not good since it takes up your supporter for the turn)
-3 ruins of alph (not needed IMO and weakens your donphan because it has a resistance against electrics)
-2 Pokemon communication (heavy ball is better for getting out donphan)
-2 level ball (collector takes care of basics)
-2-3 energy retrieval (won't be a problem)
-1-2 fighting energy (I think around 10 fighting energy is enough)

+3 heavy ball (getting out donphan)
+1 mewtwo (3 is better in a mew two war I think against MTC and such)
+4 junk arm (reusing trainers)
+1 catcher (I find 3 better)
+1 N (for draw power)
+3 juniper (also good draw power)
+2 Plus power (good to OHKO)