Ruling Double Colorless Energy rules...?


Aspiring Trainer
So me and my friend dug out some old Pokemon cards and started playing....

We came across an odd situation with regards to a couple of cards in particular....
I still use alot of the old cards from Base Set 2 including the Double Colorless Energy (DCE) and Super Energy Removal (SER)...

So my question is this:

If I have a Pokemon that has attached to it, a DCE and 1 other basic energy...
And my friend uses the SER against my previously mentioned Pokemon...

(SER states: ''Discard 1 Energy card attached to 1 of your own Pokemon in order to choose 1 of your opponent's Pokemon and up to 2 Energy cards attached to it. Discard those Energy cards.'')

If he were to choose the DCE, then as far as I'm aware that is counted as the ''2 Energy cards'' even though it is actually only ONE card... and can be discarded, which I understand...


If he were to pick the Basic Energy card FIRST would I then have to discard the DCE as well as the Basic Energy, to count as ''2 Energy cards'' even though I would be in effect discarding 3 energies...??


Is there any sort of overruling with this situation...?? I've never had this come up so I am unsure and I know that no new decks since have contained the SER to check rules for it... Can anyone help??
Please post scans/image links of the cards in question, so we can give an accurate ruling.
Super Energy Removal specifically states "choose up to 2 Energy cards". Even though Double Colorless provides two units of Energy, it is still one Energy card. So you could even discard two Double Colorless if they were both attached to the same Pokémon.