Ruling Double Dragon Energy


Aspiring Trainer
The Rayquaza-ex in Dragon's Exalted has an attack "Dragon Burst" which costs one lighting and one fire energy. The attack does 60x all fire or lightning discarded. Now what I'd like to know is after attaching a DDE to Rayquaza can it be used as lightning and fire for cost of attack then as double fire say for 120 damage. Ideally I'd like to exploit this with Reshiram and Hydreigon-ex of roaring skies, to hit for 180 turn one.
Please post a scan of the cards in question, and while you're doing that take a closer look at the wording of the attack. Let me know what you think, and I can tell you whether you're right :)
Basic energy only, so nevermind. :( Thanks anyway


  • RayquazaEXDragonsExalted123.jpg
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  • DoubleDragonEnergyRoaringSkies97.jpg
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