Ruling Double Rainbow Energy

Elemental Master

Pokemon Lover
DRE can't be attached to basic and Ex pokemon. But what if I attach DRE to a stage 1 pokemon then I evolve it to a stage 2 Ex pokemon?

The card says discard DRE if the pokemon is no longer an evolution pokemon but not EX pokemon.

What happens to DRE in this situation?
I've wondered this as well. Especially since Scramble adds on that "if this evolves into an ex" bit in the text. I'm guessing since that's the case with Scramble, and since DRE was reprinted but the text wasn't changed, it's legal. But would that mean it would work for things like Boost too, where you attach it to an evolved Pokemon but use Gardy d's power to move it over to oh, I don't know, a Deoxys ex?
Well, seeing that it's a Basic, I doubt it. Doubly that, seeing that it can't be attached to an EX. I suppose the wording of Energy Charge should say something like "attach the energy to another Pokémon".
Yeah, scratch that. Boost says at the bottom of the text that if it's not attached to an Evolved Pokemon it must be discarded :p. But if it didn't then Energy Jump could move it to something like Deoxys, right?
if a stage one pokemon with scramble energy or DRE attached is evolved into stage 2 pokemon ex, the scramble and DRE are discarded straight away.

As for another question, when gardevoir moves a boost to Deoxy, that boost energy is discarded as well.

compendium said:
Q. If I have a Double Rainbow Energy attached to my Kirlia and then I evolve it into Gardevoir-EX, do I have to discard the DRE or does it get to stay?
A. If the Double Rainbow Energy was already attached to a non-EX-Pokémon, then you have to remove it when the Pokémon evolves into an EX-Pokémon. (Mar 25, 2004 PUI Rules Team)
compendium said:
Q. Can I attach a Boost Energy to Skyridge Alakazam and then move it to a basic Pokémon.? If so, then would I have to discard the Boost Energy as soon as it is moved because Boost Energy says, "when the Pokémon. Boost Energy is attached to is no longer an Evolved Pokémon., discard Boost Energy". Boost Energy was never ATTACHED to the basic Pokémon., it was MOVED to it.
A. First off, yes you can use Energy Jump to move Boost Energy after attaching it to the Alakazam. However, if you move it to a Basic Pokémon. it would be discarded immediately because it is "no longer an Evolved Pokémon.". (Dec 4, 2003 PUI Rules Team)