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Double trouble: MegaBlissey + HS Starter Kit mod (MD-on; league deck)


Aspiring Trainer
Hello people. A long time ago I posted this deck, and after several testings I concluded it has several problems. Besides, since I was forced to use proxies, I kind of modified it. Here's the deck list, proxies indicated.


{G}3/2/3 Meganium (Prime)
{C}2/2 Blissey (Prime)
{G}1/1 Landmin Lv.X (Lv.X is proxy)
{D}3 Spiritomb (AR) (Proxy card, looking for a replacement)
{P}2 Uxie (Proxy)
19 cards total

2x Expert Belt
3x Rare Candy (1 proxy)
2x Pokemon Communication
3x Super Scoop Up
2x Switch x2 (Warp Point replacement)
1x Warp Point
1x Dual Ball (Pokemon Collector replacement)
14 cards total

4x Bebe's Search (One of them is a replacement for a Communication)
2x Interviewer's Questions
1x Copycat x1 (Prof. Oak's New Theory's replacement)
2x Prof. Oak's New Theory
1x Pokemon Collector
10 cards total

2x Broken Time-Space (Proxy)
2 cards total

12x Grass Energy
3x Double Colorless Energy (2 are proxy)
15 cards total

Strategy: Set up Meganium as fast as possible so it can deal 100 damage. Blissey will heal the already bulky Meganium, and Meganium will avoid losing energy with its Leaf Trans. Landmin is there to give an extra boost to Meganium's HP.

Problem: My damage caps at 100 total. This has given me problems to take down pokemon with slightly more HP, so I'm missing 10, 20 or even 30 damage per turn, extra damage that also means my opponent has a second chance to kill my Meganiums (it happened today several times). Besides, Shaymin is hard to pull off and almost has no uses.

Second problem: I need more replacements for my proxy cards that are cheap enough or easy to come by. Besides I'm considering on replacing Spiritomb with another card since its body makes my game harder.

Now, my cousin has begun playing the TCG, and since there were no more decks around I bought him a HS Starter Kit. I lent him some cards, he traded and bought some packs, and after some modifications his deck looks like this:

{L}2/2/1 Ampharos (HGSS)
{L}3/3 Raichu (2 HGSS and 1 UD)
{W}2/2 Gyarados (HGSS)
{L}2/2 Jolteon (UD and MD)
{C}1 Cleffa (HGSS)
{L}1 Plusle (UL)
{L}1 Minun (UL)
22 cards total

2x Pokemon Communication
2x Switch
2x Energy Returner
6 cards total

1x Prof. Elm's Training Method
1x Copycat
2x Pokemon Collector
2x Twins
2x Emcee's Chatter
8 cards total

12x Water Energy
12x Lightning Energy
24 cards total

Strategy: None. However, he has Energy Returner to deal with those energy discarding attacks, and Cleffa, Plusle and Minun are pokemon he uses to begin with.

Problem: He doesn't have an strategy and doesn't know what to do.

Can someone lend us a hand? We will be really thankful!
RE: Double trouble: MegaBlissey + HS Starter Kit mod (MD-on)

what cards do you have available? I'd like to help but no offense it won't help if I make awesome suggestions but you don't have those cards XD

if this is casual and you Don't want to play it at cities, BR, etc and just at leauge..buy a world championship deck for better proxies. I'd reccomend Jumpluff as it has I think 3 bts, 3-4 collector, communication, etc. your cousin may want the gyarados deck as it has gyarados SF (which is 10000% better than Dos HGSS), bts, collectors, etc. pm me if you want with a list of cards in your binder/that you have available to you
RE: Double trouble: MegaBlissey + HS Starter Kit mod (MD-on)

God you're right. Lemme post what I have.

Ultra Rare
{D}1x Houndoom Prime
{W}1x Suicune (Shiny promo)
{C}1x Arceus Lv.X
{F}1x Machamp Prime
{C}{P}1x Rayquaza & Deoxys LEGEND (Bottom half)

Holo Rare
{D}1x Weavile G
{M}1x Bastiodon 4
{G}1x Torterra (UL)
{W}1x Suicune (SW)
{P}1x Metagross (UL)
{C}1x Clefable (HGSS)

Normal Rare
{G}1x Venusaur (SW)
{G}3x Meganium (HGSS)
{G}2x Roserade (UL)
{G}1x Vespiquen 4
{G}1x Leafeon (UD)
{R}1x Ninetales (UL)
{R}1x Rapidash (AR)
{R}1x Typhlosion (HGSS)
{W}1x Poliwrath (UL)
{W}2x Lapras (HGSS)
{W}1x Politoed (UL)
{C}1x Blissey (HGSS)
{C}1x Flygon (RR)
{P}1x Gengar (AR Lv. 46)
{P}1x Wobbuffet (HGSS)
{P}1x Bronzong 4
{L}1x Manectric (AR)
{F}1x Sandslash (HGSS)
{F}1x Lucario (UL)
{D}1x Tyranitar (UL)
{D}1x Sharpedo (Triumphant)

{G}1x Parasect (HGSS)
{G}3x Heracross (HGSS)
{G}1x Yanmega (Triumphant)
{R}1x Numel (UL)
{R}1x Infernape 4
{W}2x Wartortle (UL)
{W}1x Poliwhirl (UL)
{W}1x Slowbro (HGSS)
{W}1x Seadra (UL)
{W}1x Starmie (HGSS)
{W}1x Croconaw (HGSS)
{W}1x Qwilfish (HGSS)
{W}1x Corsola (HGSS)
{W}1x Octilery (PL)
{W}1x Delibird (HGSS)
{C}1x Dragonair (Triumphant)
{C}1x Igglybuff (HGSS)
{C}3x Dunsparce (UL)
{C}1x Miltank (HGSS)
{C}1x Vigoroth (PL)
{P}1x Golbat (UL)
{P}2x Haunter (AR)
{P}2x Unown (HGSS)
{P}2x Metang (UL)
{L}2x Flaaffy (HGSS)
{F}1x Graveler (AR)
{F}2x Donphan (HGSS)
{F}1x Pupitar (UL)
{F}1x Whiscash 4
{D}1x Sharpedo (RR)
{D}1x Skuntank (UD)

2x Beggining Door
2x Life Herb
2x Lucky Egg
2x Pokemon Reversal
1x Pluspower
1x Armor Fossil
1x Helix Fossil
1x Defender
1x Good Rod

2x Bill
4x Engineer's Adjustments
1x Team Rocket's Trickery
1x Sage's Training
1x Elm's Training Method
1x Underground Expedition

1x Sunyshore City Gym
1x Indigo Plateau

EDIT: I would prefer not to buy a world championship deck. I wanna play in tournaments...