DP 53 Arceus?

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Am I the only one out there in the world having a hard time finding this promo card?

I mean, ever since the Arceus release on November 4th, I've tried to find this Arceus tin and promo, but the places near me (ToysR'Us, Meijer, and Target) only have Arceus promo #56. My parents in Colorado haven't found it, and I even tried ordering it from etcgaming and all they had was this promo.

So am I the only one having trouble finding this or is this bad luck on my part?
Are you talking about the Meteor Blast one? If so, I understand. I can't find one at Wal-Mart, and my friend tried Target. What the heck PUSA!?
Nope, not the Meteor Blast one. I've got 3 of those now. That would be DP56. DP53 Arceus is the one with the Omniscient Pokepower.
EspeonROX said:
Oh. The DP53? I got that one easily. Walmart has billlions of the tins for $20 each.

My wal-mart is selling them for 13.99
You should have jumped on them when they first hit. They seemed to have disappeared after the Meteor Blast tins arrived. Just try random Wal*Marts and Targets and you'll eventually run into one. There's always the internet, too.
Are you in Canada? if so they don't sell those here :p Cannot find a single one and everywhere I go they tell me its States only.

Also really want that card :(
I've been looking at Target constantly, not to mention Meijer for the tin since Arceus released and I never found it. If there is a Wal-Mart around here, it's not near me and unfortunantley I'm limited in my ability get around in this economy. If anyone has an internet site that is selling one, could you direct me to it? It'd be much appreciated...:D

I actually live in Grand Rapids, Michigan.
Pikachu6319 said:
I've been looking at Target constantly, not to mention Meijer for the tin since Arceus released and I never found it. If there is a Wal-Mart around here, it's not near me and unfortunantley I'm limited in my ability get around in this economy. If anyone has an internet site that is selling one, could you direct me to it? It'd be much appreciated...:D

I actually live in Grand Rapids, Michigan.

I think your best bet is deal with someone here or buy off ebay.
Also, you might want to try the toy section of Wal*Mart and/or Target. At my local Wal*Mart, they only have blue Arceus tins in the card game section, but in the toys, they have a display full of the green tins and poster packs.
[attachment=6665]Am I the only one out there in the world having a hard time finding this promo card?

I mean, ever since the Arceus release on November 4th, I've tried to find this Arceus tin and promo, but the places near me (ToysR'Us, Meijer, and Target) only have Arceus promo #56. My parents in Colorado haven't found it, and I even tried ordering it from etcgaming and all they had was this promo.

So am I the only one having trouble finding this or is this bad luck on my part?

Actually, I happen to have one. ;)!

Arceus Lvl. X DP53 {C}


Here's my card..


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ArceusDP53Owner, please don't revive threads more than 2 weeks old.
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